Yeah, got your attention a bit, didn't I? Well good, because we need to talk about something. No, this isn't going to be some huge speech about the New Year (I think we've heard quite enough), but more of a "Why you shouldn't listen to everyone who's changing for the New Year."
This is where you're gonna want to sit down and pretend to hear your mother when you read this.
Lisa wants to lose weight, Jennifer wants to stop smoking, Alex just swears he's gonna study more and Jonathan has preached about paying more attention to his friends.
Will they? Will they really?
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The answer is "No. Probably not." Science has even proven that 16,000 percent of New Years resolutions fail, like 149.7 percent of the time. Jokes aside, don't force yourself into some ritualistic pact at the beginning of the New Year!
Chances are that you mean well, but implementation is going to go downhill -- fast. What's that leave you with? I'll tell you what. It leaves you with an emotional you, and you shouldn't be left alone with yourself; there's just no telling what you'll do.
I know the "I'm gonna stop [insert bad habit here]" is something that probably wouldn't hurt, but honestly, imagine it like you're running full force toward an enormous oak tree, expecting to tackle it to the ground. Our problem is that we're taught to think we have to change everything, snippity-snap and chop-chop. Like, have you even seen me eat a pizza?! Of course I'm not just gonna quit that cold turkey! (Side note... I absolutely hate turkey.) My point is, we're made to feel shame about a specific behavior, but we're never taught to love and accept ourselves. Changing ourselves from a sense of shame eventually leads to a bigger disappointment when we relapse and tear into that pizza for the third time this week. We're left in a puddle of tears, ashamed of ourselves.
On to inspiration!
Here's the thing: we have to learn to accept ourselves before we even start thinking about changing ourselves. Changing ourselves with a positive-note gives us better reassurance. Trying to change ourselves from negative conditioning just leads to a little crying, some retaliation, unemployment, and finally homelessness. So who's the real winner, huh? Your resolution in 2016 should be to fall in love with yourself. Because you rock.
Want some reassurance?
Oh, you're a few sizes bigger than the woman on the billboard?
I'm too funny to be on billboards.
Haven't been to the gym in a while?
I'm also too funny to work out.
Haven't stopped smoking?
OK, I'm not arguing this one. You should probably just stop. But not because it's a new year, but because it's unhealthy, dangerous and unattractive.
Love yourself. Because in the end, you're the only one you can truly be happy with, and if you can't love yourself as you are, you sure as hell aren't about to love who you want to be.
So... Don't. Change. Sh*t.