I have a confession: I love fanfiction. I’ve read more fanfiction than I’ve read actual, published works of literature. When I think about curling up in my bed with my laptop and a new, wonderful fanfiction (most likely of the Harry Potter variety), I get jittery and excited. I could go on for hours about the joys of reading a well written, introspective, creative fanfiction, but I'll spare you all. While there are hundreds of thousands of people like me who enjoy a good fanfiction more than anything in the world, there are also hundreds of thousands of people who don’t know what fanfiction is. If you were to approach a person who has never experienced fanfiction first hand, they would most likely ask, “What’s that?”
You would reply, “Fanfiction is just as it sounds! It’s when fans enjoy a book, movie, or tv show so much that they continue the story by writing one of their own.”
“Oh,” they might reply. “That’s weird.”
Replies such as these are why I tend to keep my love of fanfiction under the radar. Why is it that hobbies and interests that aren’t quite as popular or well known as others are written off as “weird” or “strange?” Allow me to rewrite my case scenario.
“I love football!”
“Oh, wow, really? That’s weird.”
The thought of anyone referring to a passion for sports as “weird” is highly, highly unlikely. Passions for sports are awesome and totally valid, but so are passions for things such as tabletop gaming, insect collecting, tattoos, competitive dog grooming, soap carving, and yes, even fanfiction. As a person who enjoys unconventional methods of fun, it’s often difficult for me to express my interests to others. Whenever someone asks me to introduce myself, I quickly write myself off and say that I don’t have any hobbies or interests in fear of being judged for the things that I do enjoy. I pretended to love soccer for the entirety of my middle school years in hopes of seeming “normal” (Note: I always pretended to be sick when we played soccer in gym class, I unfortunately was never able to master it).
If you, like me, have hobbies and interests that aren’t very common and sometimes looked down upon, don’t be ashamed of what you love! There’s nothing quite as satisfying as talking about interests that are close to your heart. Be open, be honest, and keep on doing what you do best.
If you have looked down upon anyone’s interests in the past (be they common or uncommon), then please try to be a little bit more understanding in the future. It’s totally fine if you don’t initially understand someone’s hobby! Simply ask questions in a respectful manner and acknowledge that everyone’s interests are valid (While staying in the realms of basic humanity, of course. I hope that no one enjoys harming kittens).
I began this article with the indication that I had to confess to something, as though my hobby were shameful. Allow me to begin again.
I have something awesome to share: I love fanfiction! I've read more fanfiction than I've read actual, published works of literature.....