A lot of people do not go to church because they are intimidated by the practice. While I can understand where that fear is coming from, I also have to disagree. My church is my second home. I have been an active member since the day I was baptized and have come to know and love the practices of my faith. As I sit in church, I look around and see some unfamiliar faces. Seeing those new eyes excites me because those people jumped over their fear of organized religious practices.
Going to church is not scary and here is why:
Churches have made attending church a more welcoming experience so newcomers don't feel like outsiders. Typically, it is an intimidating choice to choose a religion, test some waters, and search for your true beliefs.
We welcome observers. It can be helpful to attend a service and scope it out. Checking out the typical practices of the religious community will help a prospect become familiar with how the group operates. Yes, the congregation will sing songs, recite prayers and kneel and stand more often than you do in the gym. But most modern-day churches make it extremely easy for their members to follow along. Some will have the words to the prayer or the lyrics to the song put up on a screen or monitor for those who haven't rehearsed. The church is not asking you to walk in and be an expert in their ways. But you must be respectful to the practice.
Some churches offer online streaming. If possible, be sure to check out the place you’re scoping out—the internet is a great tool. You can get a vibe for how the church operates and see if it is something you might want to commit to. This can all be done without even leaving the comfort of your home.
Church-goers still partake in normal day-to-day activities. You do not need to be a saint to attend a worship service. Most believe that Jesus has died for our sins, not that that is an excuse to do wrong to others. But if you do make a mistake, it is forgiven. People who attend church still have a life outside of church. They might still smoke, drink, or become jealous of thy neighbor. The point is, they are still a member of their faith regardless of their decisions. People hear that a person attends church regularly and they feel they need to be on their best behavior. Religion is all about making mistakes, learning from them and knowing you're forgiven by a higher power in the meantime.
With the Lenten season upon us and a will for change in the air, I encourage you to attend a church service and not be intimidated by it. Most churches have the same goal: They want more people to believe. This is why we have so many mixers all the time!
The most important step is to allow Jesus into your life. Church allows you to extend your friendship and family circles. Everyone can use a support system, and the concept of congregation provides a sense of security. So next time you think about attending a service, don't doubt your ability to fit in. Come, and be with those who will accept you as you are.