Why You Should Vote Steve Ott To The NHL All Star Game | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Vote Steve Ott To The NHL All Star Game

Steve Ott is this year’s John Scott.

Why You Should Vote Steve Ott To The NHL All Star Game

The 2016 NHL All-Star Game was magical.

What started as a joke on the internet turned out to be one of the most touching stories in the NHL. John Scott was nothing more than you’re average NHL enforcer. He was never a scorer, but he was well noted for standing up for his teammates and picking a fight if needed. His contributions to his team made him well-loved by his teammates, and well known by fans everywhere. As the voting began for the 2016 NHL All Star game, Scott’s name was thrown out as a joke to be the Pacific division captain. What no one expected, however, was that a movement was about to begin.

Scott shot up the vote leaderboards and soon found himself to have the most votes out of any player in the NHL. A man with 11 career points went from a 4th line enforcer to one of the biggest stars in the NHL overnight. If you followed the story, the NHL was not happy with one of their biggest events being treated as a joke, and they tried everything they could to keep Scott out of the game. Scott wrote a wonderful article for the players' tribune discussing the matter, which you can read here. The NHL’s treatment of the situation enraged fans, and what started out as a joke became a nationwide effort to get the NHL to allow John Scott to be an NHL All-Star. Eventually, Scott would be allowed to play in the game, which would eventually become one of the most memorable All-Star games in history. Scott outshined every player on the ice, scoring 2 goals and being named MVP.

The NHL All-Star game was an afterthought to fans until last year. The touching story of John Scott made the game worth watching. The All-Star game shouldn’t only be for the highest scoring players. It should celebrate players with a variety of skills, and most importantly, it should be FUN. That is why this year, we as fans needs to back another hard working player who might never be an All-Star without our support. Steve Ott of the Detroit Red Wings is that player. While never known for lighting the lamp and racking up points, Steve has always been a valuable asset to any team he has played for. Whether it be his excellent penalty killing ability, or his ability to drop the gloves and fight with the best, Steve has done his job exceptionally well, but is often overlooked because he is not a big name scorer. Steve was given a chance to play for his childhood team, the Detroit Red Wings, and he has become beloved by the fanbase for his passion to the game and commitment to his team. He is a leader in the locker room, and has been praised by his coaches for being an excellent teammate. Throughout his years with the Dallas Stars, Buffalo Sabres, St. Louis Blues, and Detroit Red Wings, Ott has been in over 100 fights, solidifying his status as one of the most feared enforcers in the NHL today. So, why should we vote Steve Ott to the 2017 NHL All-Star game? Here are 10 reasons why I believe Ott would be a perfect fit.

He’s a great guy

During the 2012-2013 NHL lockout, Ott set up a charity game featuring many other NHL stars to benefit kids who have been diagnosed with cancer. You can read more about this here.

He’s a wonderful father

When he's not out on the ice with his team, Ott spends a lot of time with his two children, Layna and Maverick.

He tries his best

Steve may not be known for his goal scoring ability, but he is able to light the lamp on occasion. Here's his first goal as a Red Wing, in case you missed it earlier this season.

He’s passionate about the sport

Ott has always embraced his role as an enforcer in the NHL. He knows his role, performs it well, and doesn't complain about not being a first liner. He loves the sport of hockey and will do anything it takes to help his team win.

He’s been a captain before

Steve Ott is known as a leader. During his tenure with the Buffalo Sabres, he was named captain of the team. This leadership experience would translate well as captain of the Atlantic Division team.

He’s a team player

As previously stated, Ott always puts the team first. He does not play for individual achievements, but for the team itself. His unselfish play makes him one of the best team players in hockey.

He stands up for his teammates

Steve Ott is not hesitant to fight anyone who goes after his teammates. His teammates come first to him, and he will not tolerate any attacks on them.

He loves the fans

Steve loves the fans and the fans love him. He has always loved that the fans support him, and will do anything to make a fan's day, whether it be meeting them or something as simple as taking a photo. I'll let this picture speak for itself.

He loves his team

Steve has been a fan of the Red Wings his whole life and he now has the opportunity to play for them. You can tell how happy he is to be out there playing for his childhood team.

John Scott has given him his endorsement

Steve Ott is good friends with John Scott. In a recent interview, Scott endorsed Ott to be the one to follow in his footsteps as an NHL All Star Game captain, which you can read here. The two are very good friends and had a lot of fun playing together in Buffalo, as you can see in this video.

Steve Ott may not be on the ballot for the All Star game, but you can still write him in! If we get enough votes, we can send this wonderful man to his very first All Star game! You can vote up to ten times a day, so make sure to write in Steve at NHL.com to ensure we can make this happen. The Steve Ott movement is only just beginning.

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