An Open Letter To Non-Voters, Please Know That Our Country Is Counting On You | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To Non-Voters, Please Know That Our Country Is Counting On You

We are powerful in numbers.

An Open Letter To Non-Voters, Please Know That Our Country Is Counting On You

Dear Non-Voters,

You have a voice.

You have a civic duty. You have the most powerful tool in our democracy. You have the ability to vote. This is something you should not take for granted.

The right to vote was not just given to you. It was won.

Our voting rights were not easily won over. In the first ever US election, only property-owning white men age 21 and older could vote. In 1870, the 15th amendment was ratified and prevented the government from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude." It wasn't until the 19th amendment was passed in 1920 that women could vote. And finally, the age for voter eligibility lowered in 1971 when the 26th amendment was ratified. Today, any U.S. citizen that is at least 18 years old and meets state requirements can register to vote and participate in this simple civic engagement.

Every election year, there are always citizens who choose not to vote.

Some claim that their ballot doesn't matter. Some claim that they they don't like the candidate. Some claim that they don't care.

None of these reasons are good enough.

Every single vote counts. Even with this year's presidential election, it was very close, these votes were so close. We need more participation.

We are powerful in numbers.

So many did not vote. That breaks my heart.

This simple duty could save and better the lives of our neighbors, our friends, our families, and the people of this country. There are thousands of people in this country who cannot vote. They don't have this privilege. It's important to vote and make a change in our country. It is so selfish to not vote when there are people who cannot and need our help.

If you feel that the election doesn't affect you, then do it for the people around you.

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