Why You Should Visit Seward, Nebraska
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Why You Should Visit Seward, Nebraska

If you haven't been here on the Fourth of July, are you even living?

Why You Should Visit Seward, Nebraska

Seward, Nebraska is a city of about 7,000 people, and is also the place I call home. Located about 20-30 miles from Lincoln, it’s a cute little town that should not go unnoticed. I've compiled a nice list of very convincing reasons as to why you should take a visit here, starting with what we're known for:

1. The Fourth of July

If you don’t visit Seward on the Fourth of July at least once in your life, you’re really missing out. Seward is officially known as “Nebraska’s 4th of July City”, and with recent attendance being estimated to be about 40,000 people, it’s a pretty popular event. The whole city basically shuts down for this thing. There are plenty of things to do and see: anvil firing, car show, pie-eating contest, countless vendors, a parade, and, of course, the fireworks show. I’ve been going since I was a kid, and it continues to be great every year.

2. Chill Coffee Shops

Located right in the town square, JD’s Coffee is a must for getting coffee, or breakfast for that matter. Their scones are to die for. Adorned with tons of coffee-related decor, it’s a great place to hang out, work on homework, or meet up with friends. It’s a great place.

3. Inexpensive Movies

Seward’s sole movie theater is something that should not be overlooked. It’s probably one of my favorite spots here. The prices are so low, it’s almost an insult not to go. Plus, with their somewhat recently added second screen, they’re able to have even more showings now! It’s awesome. If you don’t want to pay a thousand dollars to see a movie in Lincoln, take a quick drive to Seward and see a movie here. Totally worth it.

4. Beautiful Library

Seward Memorial Library, is, without a doubt, incredible. They recently renovated their lower level, and have greatly increased their space. They have tons of books, a die cut room, a big meeting space, study rooms, and even a 3D printer! It’s got a great look and feel to it, and the staff are all super nice. Definitely recommend.

5. Quirky Bookstore

Chapters Books and Gifts a cute little independent bookstore with a great vibe going with it. They sell books, toys, decorations, cards, and so much more. If you’re a fan of Ted Kooser, you definitely should stop by. They have autographed copies of almost every one of his books. Seriously, if you’re ever in Seward, just pop in and browse for a bit. It’s a great store.

6. Rocks and Gems

Located in the lower level of Concordia University’s library, Bartels Rock Museum contains multiple displays of minerals, agate, fossils, rocks, and hand-carved pieces. If you like looking at rocks and gems as much as I do, you should definitely check it out. It’s a very impressive collection.

7. Art and Wine

At Red Path Gallery, you can see multiple Nebraska artists display their artwork. They often have events, such as art workshops and live music. You can also taste various wines from a local Nebraska winery. I personally recommend the soda they have there, which I really enjoy. It’s a really cool gallery to check out some local artists.

8. Bottle Rocket Brewery

With this place being relatively new, and myself being underage, I don’t know much about the brewery. But, I’ve heard that it’s pretty cool and has some good beer. So, if you’re 21+, you should hit it up sometime.

Honorable Mention: The World’s Largest Time Capsule

Oh, you read that right. Little ol' Seward, Nebraska is indeed home to the World’s Largest Time Capsule. It was built by Harold Davisson in 1975, this 45-ton vault contains a brand-new car (1975 Chevy Vega), a new Kawasaki motorcycle, and somewhere around 5,000 other items from that year. After a university in Georgia claimed that their crypt was bigger, Davisson did the only natural thing: he built a giant concrete pyramid on top of his existing vault. There is no dispute now that this time capsule is definitely the largest in the world. The pyramid on top contains yet another car (a badly beaten up 1975 Toyota) and other memorabilia.

Despite how cool this thing is, I gave it an honorable mention because, well, you can’t exactly look in it yet. It’s just a giant white pyramid, somewhat hidden away on a residential road in Seward. But have no fear: it is to be opened on July 4th, 2025. Because this is Seward, and honestly, what other date would we open it on?

Honorable Mention: The Bakery

I gave The Bakery an honorable mention because it is, unfortunately, out of business, and therefore you can't visit it (unless you have a time travel machine, which, if you do, hit me up). Honestly, it's a true pity that they closed down. They had the best donuts I’ve had in my entire life. I remember waking up early Saturday mornings to go with my dad to pick up some freshly baked donuts. It was basically a piece of heaven on earth. *clutches heart, bows head* You are dearly missed.

Honestly guys, Seward is pretty cool. We even have some famous alumni, such as Sam Koch, punter for the Baltimore Ravens, and Amy Heidemann, lead singer of Karmin. Pretty impressive for a small town, huh? The next time you're somewhat around the area, you should definitely visit. Especially on the Fourth of July. If you haven't visited Seward on the Fourth of July, you haven’t truly lived.

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