Take it from me, traveling is not my first choice when it comes to spending my hard earned money. I am not a money-saver by any means either, I usually spend it as soon as I get it. Let’s just say being an adult at this point in my life and having to handle my own finances has been both a struggle, and a learning experience. Spending large sums of money at once for anyone, including those who spend money like it is water, can come with anxiety ridden feelings and can be very uncomfortable. I am here to tell you that now I choose to spend my money on experiences over materialistic things, and it has been a very rewarding change in mindset. It has been a growing experience, and I have learned so much through it all.
To be honest spending one hundred dollars on highlights was always much easier for me then spending a couple hundred dollars on a flight. The first time I dedicated a major sum of money to flights, hotels, and excursions, I thought I was probably just making another reckless decision with my money. It turned out to be one of the best vacations I had ever been on, and I started to see why so many of my friends traveled more then they stayed put. I truly think one of the most reckless decisions you can make is depriving yourself from experience, from meeting all different types of people, and from seeing all different things. The only way you will know what you want out of your life is by seeing what other people are getting out of their lives, in all different places around the world.
If you are worried about money: Money comes and money goes, and this will be a vicious cycle you will see and feel for the rest of your life. Your worries about money will be there if you travel or if you don’t. I would rather be worried about money on a beach with a drink in my hand then be worried about money after burning myself out with another 40+ hour work week. You will find that if you plan accordingly and dedicate time to saving money and working a little extra before you leave, vacationing is very doable. The only way you will know this? By actually putting it to the test.
If you are worried about breaking your routine: You can maintain a routine while seeing the world, believe it or not! If you work out every day you will find a way to work that into your vacation schedule. If you are worried about having too much free time, know that being alone with nothing to do, in a beautiful place, can do wonders for the soul.
If you are worried about leaving family/friends/pets: Put your pets in loving hands that will take good care of them. Your friends and family will not, I repeat will not forget what you look like if you leave for a little while. In order to be your best self sometimes you have to take a little time for yourself and separate yourself from your daily life and the people in it, this is vital. You will be a better person to be around if you take the time to do what you want. It is not selfish, it is smart.
If you are worried about the process of traveling (planes, trains, cars, boats): Know that while your fears may have held you back in the past, they don’t have to hold you back anymore. The fear of flying, boating, etc. is VERY real. Anyone who has these fears know just how crippling they can be, but know the only way to overcome this fear is to give in and fly on a plane, or go on a cruise. I know this because I have had, and still have moments where I am anxious beyond belief while traveling. The first moments of turbulence on a plane can send me into complete panic, but it is always worth it when I arrive at my destination. My memories of my favorite vacations never include the anxiousness I felt while traveling to or from my destination. You have to overcome your fears in order to live your best life. You will see how minimal they are and how it truly is, mind over matter.
Know that while your worries about traveling may be warranted, they are never going to bring you closer to the type of life you want to live. You don’t ever want to look back and wish you had taken more chances or wished that you had taken more strides in order to get over your fears and reservations and see things outside of your comfort zone. The only place growth happens is when you ditch your comfort zone, and take the plunge.