Over the past few months, I've watched myself go from being depressed every day, to feeling better about myself. I feel free.
Sometimes, you just have to sit down and ask yourself, "Is this where I want to be in life?" If you answer yes, then good for you. However, I'm sure there is still room for improvement. If you answer no, then begin making necessary changes in your life now.
I definitely don't know exactly who I am, and that's perfectly okay. I do know, though, that I have given myself the time to try and figure it out.
We all deserve "me time" and, to be honest, I feel a lot better than I did a few months ago.
If you are ready to try and find yourself in this crazy world, then start now. It takes strength, a positive mindset, and good, supportive friends. Be open to new ideas. Try new things. I even made my very own first bucket list!
Of course, everything will not automatically fall into place. It takes time and dedication to turn your life around. Also, don't let the negative things, or the things that will try to stop you from progressing, leave you where you started.
Finding yourself and actually understanding your purpose and beauty in this world is a wonderful feeling. Finding myself is exactly what I needed in order to pull myself up out of the dark place I was once in. I am going out more, laughing a lot more, and living life more than I was before.
I am still a work in progress. I will still fail sometimes. I do promise, though, to always be true to myself and the others around me.
Life should only go up from here!