Everyone always asks what I got out of studying abroad twice (China and Oman). Well, I will tell everyone it was the best choice I ever made in my life to go because you learn so much.
1. Learn about culture
Being an anthropology major makes studying abroad a great learning experience. It is great for any major because it makes them have global understanding that employers appreciate. Also, it allows one to understand what makes a group of people different from their own culture. Culture embodies so many things such as traditional dress or food. It's so much fun to accumulate fun traditional clothing. Plus, who doesn't love food? My advice is don't be picky about food. Just try everything you can because you'll regret not getting the full experience. Ultimately, you have to go out and experience the culture, so don't be shy. Go to all the museums and local market places and have a fun time.
2. FOOD-
Yes, I must repeat the food thing again because who isn't a foodie at heart? Even if you hate something you ate at least you tried it. There were plenty of times I ate things I normally don't eat. For instance, octopus, goat head or durian cake (for those who don't know what durian is here is link). Don't complain if you have not had durian yet. Also, be careful, and learn beforehand to ask in that language, if the food contains any allergens to you. Bring the medication you need in case you have an allergic reaction while abroad (especially for those allergic to nuts).
3. Random Experiences-
You may get the random opportunity to go ride a camel or go to a KTV club with friends. While abroad I took every opportunity to go with my host family somewhere because you never know where you may end up. It could be on a beach in Oman at 3 in the morning with friends. Do not stress, just put on a smile and go with it. Have fun and most importantly be smart and safe.
4. Language Learning-
Going abroad will help with fluency in a language. It pushes you to speak in that language instead of speaking in your native tongue. Everyone wants to be able to communicate when bargaining at the local market to get the best price. Also, you will be so much closer to your host family because the communication is more clear.
5. All the people you will meet-
When you go abroad you meet so many people and create an international friend group. Every day I talk to someone who I know from overseas that I met while abroad. They will always be there when you come back to pick up the friendship where you left off. Also, they will help you really experience the country to the fullest. Or you could say all the goats you will meet.
6. Learn about yourself-
You learn about yourself while studying abroad. When you live with a host family it helps you learn to break out of your comfort zone by living with complete strangers. You will learn how much you love food from other cultures and if you can handle being away from your family. You will learn how to navigate foreign public transportation which many struggle with. The first time you go abroad may be scary, but it will be okay. Yes, you will be frustrated at times but just learn to relax, and let it go.