With move in day creeping in on us college kids, many are making their way back to their home away from home and some (aka freshmen) are just embarking on a four (maybe longer, ya know who doesn't change their major 12 times) year journey of a lifetime. Recently, I have seen quite the amount of articles bashing sorority's. And I would like to share my only somewhat biased opinion of why you, yes you, should just consider possibly maybe rushing.
So here it goes;
1. Sisters for Life, Amirite??
Okay, so before you laugh at my cliche article, this is actually something that can help you in your future. Knowing people is how you get the job of your dreams. Maybe the girl who is interviewing you for an internship is a sister, or knows someone who is your sister. Connections can get you very far in life.
2. Hours of Service
Sometimes the hardest part when filling out a resume is the community involvement section. So maybe once you helped at a soup kitchen with your girl scout troop in 5th grade. It is not really appropriate to be putting that on a resume for a summer job or college program. Personally, I find it hard to find time to dedicate to community service on my own, with taking plenty of hours a semester and trying to succeed in them. It can be difficult to get out there by myself and a little intimidating. Being in a sorority, I have places to go and times of my week scheduled for me to complete the service. I can do it with sisters and make a lasting impact on my town. In just one year being involved in sorority life, I have cleaned up trash on the highway, donated cans, sorted through donated clothing, raised over 8,000 thousand in one week in my chapter alone for Starkey Hearing. There's no way I could do that without 100 sisters by my side. I became part of something bigger than myself and I am forever greatful.
3. Being a Freshmen is scary
I went to a school knowing no one. I had a random roommate that I didn't meet until move in day and I have never been that far away from my momma. Trust me, it's a lot to take in. Going to classroom that is actually a lecture hall with 100 other kids in it, was I really expected to come out of my shell and sit by a rando and share my life story? How did this all work??? Freshmen me was a little worried. Lucky, my roommate was also interested in sorority life and we bonded over how we were going to pick or join one at all. Even at bid day, I was introduced to all of these girls that were now my sisters, and I didn't know any of them. But I sure am glad I stuck with it. I went to meetings and learned the secret handshake. I have found my very best friends in this chapter and it took no time at all. I will forever be thankful to my sorority for introducing me to these wonderful women.
4. Standards
We have them. Many times sorority and fraternity life is looked down upon for partying and what not. But in reality we hold each other accountable. We do not dance on tables or have minute long snapchat stories of us doing keg stands. No judgement, you do you. But Anything you post on the interwebs, can be traced and maybe a future employer will pull up that photo of you shotgunning a beer and what do you do then? Probably not get the job. We encourage each other to be the very best we can be and to stand out as outstanding women.
In conclusion, you may think it is not for you, but it can be. So take a chance, come out of your shell and give recruitment a shot.
It might be exactly what you have been looking for.
Love, a possible future sister