1. Good work out:
Rock climbing is a great full body workout that uses your own body weight to strengthen you. Your arms and legs will definitely feel the burn as you pull yourself up the rock structure.
2. Spend time with friends:
Rock climbing is a great social sport because you can do it with a group of friends and chat while you climb or while you are waiting to climb. It is a great way to bond with friends, and keep each other accountable to working out and improving.
3. It challenges you:
Rock climbing is not only hard physically but mentally as well. You have to push yourself and believe that you can do it. As you try and maybe fail, you will have to have the emotional strength to keep trying. Not to mention it can be hard on your body to keep trying to jump for a hold.
4. It grows your trust:
This is a sport that you have to do with someone else. You have to trust the person that is belaying you, that they are not going to let you fall. That can be hard sometimes but it forces you to believe in the person holding you up on the wall.
5. It can be fun:
Like a lot of different sports, rock climbing can be a lot of fun. Amongst the challenge, and the work out, rock climbing is an enjoyable activity.
6. It doesn’t require a lot of equipment:
Depending on how much you get into it, it doesn’t require a lot of equipment. If you plan on going on your own trips to climb real rocks, it might require more equipment than if you go to an indoor place and just bring your own harness and shoes or you can rent some for a small fee. The more you get into rock climbing, the more equipment you might need but for once in awhile leisure climbing can be minimal.
7. Makes you feel successful
You can’t fake rock climbing. You either climb to the top or you don’t and you will get a work out whether you do or not. Whenever you make it to the top you feel so successful and accomplished. You feel like you conquered the world.