Being in college is great and all until your friends start complaining about their classes, work load, and professors. We get it, every single one of your professors acts like you do nothing else with your life besides attend their class. We get that having homework is inevitable in college. And we get that some classes are longer and more strenuous than others. What I don't get is the need to compare your major to anyone else.
I'm sure we all have that one friend in particular who is most likely a science major of some sort always complaining about the amount of hours are spent making flash cards in order to memorize every bone, muscle, and nerve in the body, or maybe complaining about how many hours outside of the classroom that needs to be spent working towards their degree. Or the best one - how many hours they need to work, either unpaid or very minimum wage, in order to even be considered for their degree. All you can do is be there to crack open that beer with them when they decide to make the slightest amount of free time in between all of the things they say they need to do.
However, you do not need to be there for them when they start criticizing you for seeming to have more free time than them. You do not need to be there for them when they accuse you of having little to no homework every night in comparison to their schedule. And you do not need to be there when they point out how much more successful they will "probably be" with their degree instead of yours.
Look, we are all at a university working towards a bachelors in something. No shit my communications major friend may have more free time than my biomedical science friend. They are both working towards, and aiming for completely different fields of study. THEY chose to study science. THEY are the one who decided this career path that includes endless amounts of memorization. THEY are about to have other people's lives dependent on the palm of your hand. I'd like to see them write a 3,000 word paper on some absurd philosophical topic including at least 10 sources writing in APA format, and completed in less than two hours. Or how about read Marshall McLuhan, Harold Innis, Neil Postman, or Deleuze and Guattari for hours attempting to comprehend what points they are trying to make.
Alright, let's just leave that up to the com major.
The point is everyone is trying to make their own way in life. Some people would never last a day being a surgeon, while others may be hungry for the knowledge of operating on others and love saving lives. Some people would never last as a teacher because they are unable to handle the communication, socialization, and patience between youths, or even dealing with parents.
At the end of the day you are enrolled in a university just like your friends. You are doing what you need to do in order to graduate and earn a degree, then get a job. Don't let anyone make you feel like you will not be successful based on your major. Â Own it.