I was afraid of college. The idea of moving into a dorm room with someone I only knew from the brief visits, the snapchats, and the Skype calls, terrified me more than anything. Although I knew my roommate was an awesome choice, I was still a bit terrified on the inside of how everything would play out. However, my roommate situation wasn't the only thing I was terrified of.
I was absolutely terrified of making friends, and if I'd even make them to begin with. My RA told us about making sure we left our doors open, and that "open doors made happy floors" (I kid you not, there's a sign outside of the door that says that too.)
Part of me didn't want to forget about my hometown friends. The people we said we'd never forget after a hot summer, a long school year and a broken heart. Inside of me, I thought, "Why make new friends when I have some back at home?" And it's true, I didn't want to lose the people who knew me the best.
For the first day or two, me and my roommate kept our door closed. We didn't know how we necessarily felt about the girls on our floor and we were nervous to try to strike up a conversation with them. Intimidated, to say the least.
However, on that third day, we left our door open, and wandered out into the hall. Girls came into our room and looked and admired at our decor. And we found some of the best friends we will ever have.
I don't quite remember how it happened. I just remember briefly striking up a conversation with one girl, then another, and her roommate. Suddenly, the entire side of our floor was filled with people we felt safe with. Friends.
I can't stress that enough. Leave your dorm room door open. It is the best idea you could ever possibly have. People will walk in, they'll admire your dorm accessories and how you set up your closet. And that's okay. Talk to them! Be their friend! You may be the only friend they have through college. You never know who will wander through your door.