I think it would be a total lie if every man and woman had said they went through life without experiencing one bad haircut or hairstyle. There are some hairdressers out in the world who try their best to give you what you want and try to get in your vision, but the rest just goes unsaid. Hair is an important feature to me and it always has been. It sort of shows your personality or mental state in a way. Messy buns could mean that you're just chilling. If you're all done up it means you have a lot of self-love or easily you want to make a good impression. A lot of the female population is known for getting a new hairstyle whether it's cutting it all off or dying it a completely different color. You may think it's a good idea and it will make everything seem better or the beginning to a new start! But, after the hairdresser spins you around and you look in the mirror, your soul may as well have been drained from your body with the shock and disappointment you have in your head.
"Oh my God, It'll never grow out the same!"
Those were the exact words I said to a co-worker the day after I came in with the haircut. She obviously saw that I was upset. I was told by her, "The only difference between a bad haircut and a good one is three weeks" meaning that my hair will grow back out in the coming weeks hopefully making a change in the haircut, or enough to make me feel better about it. It's best not to stress about it, It's hair. Hair grows and you can style it differently or if that doesn't even work, just wear a hat, all the time. Curling it, parting it differently or a new product could go a long way with what you have on your head.
Remember why you wanted it cut in the first place.
Maybe it wasn't a style you wanted to copy in a magazine or a bad break up. You might have been like me and couldn't stand the constant annoyance of always brushing out tangles or snarls every time you showered or if someone breathed near your hair. I was tired of having to take so much time to prepare my hair to be styled. It was a process that I did not want to commit to anymore. You could have been bored with your hair, and wanted a simple change.
It'll make you know what you want.
If it was a new hairdresser, switch back to the old one or find another. Giving hairdressers visuals is something I learned to be super helpful because what you may have pictured in your head could look completely different in theirs. What I thought was going to be a shoulder length Khloe Kardashian look turned out looking like "The Rachel" layered haircut Rachel Green had in that episode of Friends, yes THAT one. But in the future, just remember to keep it simple and have pictures of what you want to avoid another hair catastrophe again.