To me, writing is all about having a thirst for knowledge and curiosity about the world around you and having a desire to extend this novelty with the world. This knowledge that you aspire to share does not necessarily have to be ground breaking or a prevailing topic to be considered "good writing". However, it should be centered around a subject that you as a writer can whole-heartedly investigate and expand on in order for your audience to gain as much insight as possible on that particular matter. This does not mean you should pick a story you are personally interested in but rather a topic you know you can devote yourself to. Journalism entails a writer to be vigorously proactive to retrieve the proper facts and never simply let the story just come to them. Sometimes this can involve interviewing a questionable subject, or witnessing a hazardous situation but that’s what defines journalism. When a writer imposes his/herself directly upon the source there is no questioning of accuracy and reliability, which is essential when considering whether a story is true journalism or not. How information is sought out and the plausible sources that are implemented give the story credibility.
This leads me to what I think is the most important aspect of journalism, honesty. When I hear the word journalism I immediately think of honesty. The purpose of journalism is to be authentic. The facts are gathered and delivered not for entertaining the readers or community but it is to purely help them become engaged and aware of the happenings in our world. More times than not the facts are what create the amusement, but to be true journalist the entertainment/ gossip should never create the facts. I feel it does not matter whether the event you are reporting on is heart warming, heart wrenching, significant or minor. What matters is that the people know. It is not journalist's job to sugarcoat the facts or situation. It is in the public’s best interest that the journalism they read is pure and honest.
Journalism and writing can always prevail in bettering the world, making greater connections with people around us and simply give people a loftier viewpoint and understanding towards other lives. Journalism has a deeper meaning than we all know. It starts out simply as research, reports and facts and quickly turns into a story that can affect each and every one of us. It’s not until you have your facts right that you can begin to make better changes to the world.