As an athlete, it was always important to keep up with the latest fitness trends and get into the best shape possible. At one point in my life, I hated the sound of my coaches sending me and my teammates to the line to run for a training session. I began to think of running as a punishment instead of something that can be driven by passion and freedom. Like most of you, the thought of running once made me want to walk the opposite direction, yet now I love the feeling of leaning down to tie my laces. I now think of running as my time of relaxation. Although it isn’t laying in my bed watching Netflix, or planting myself outback in my hammock, it has brought me the sense of peace and serenity.
There is only so much time to sit back and think about the life we have been granted. In this generation of a constant high paced lifestyles, it is extremely hard to find moments in life to sit back and ponder all that is right in front of us. By the time most of us go to sleep at night, we are too exhausted to appreciate what we experienced that day. When I get onto my feet and run, it gives me my time of silence. It begins to sooth any negative thoughts I have because it gives me an actual chance to slow things down for once. When I run, time freezes.
People look at me like I am insane when I say that running releases positive energy. If you had a bad day, running creates that time for you to think everything through. If you are angry, you have the time to truly dig deep about where that anger comes from. If you are sad, you have the chance to truly grasp onto where those emotions are coming from. And heck, if you are in love – sing to that love song while your feet hit the pavement.
Most of all, running has created a sense of positivity throughout my life. I have found a true enjoyment for the little things that surround my busy days. I find a sense of passion when I explode to the finish line. It isn’t about who finishes first, or who trains the hardest. It isn’t about how far you run, or how fast you go. Running is about exploring your thoughts in a different way. Running is about committing to something and finding the drive to complete it. Running is about going your own pace, and creating an experience instead of just a memory. Running has brought me back to life on days I forgot I was living. So yeah, this is why I will never stop; and this is why you shouldn’t either. Keep Running.