Trust me, you should never, ever go to Disney World. I would know, I went just last year and ruined my life.
Yup. You heard me right.
You should never go to Disney World because the TimeHops will ruin those dates for the rest of time. On those days all you'll be able to think about is how a year ago you were on the teacups and how you were waiting in line for Space Mountain. You'll be eating whatever fast food you sat in the drive through for instead of a Dole Whip or a Mickey Mouse Ear ice cream bar.
You should never go to Disney World because you'll spend all of your time looking at the 7,000 photographs that you took while you were there, 5,000 of which were of Cinderella's Castle alone. You'll send those pictures to whoever you went with over and over again until they're completely sick of you. You can tell, but you just can't help it because every picture is cuter with Tomorrowland in the background.
You should never go to Disney World because your absolute best day at home would still just be that much better there. You could wake up fresh-faced, make your eyebrows and eyeliner even on the first try, AND hit all of the green lights on the way to work, but all of that could be done on the way to Disney World instead; any day can be out shined by a day at Disney World. A good day is a great day and a great day is a fantastic day at the Happiest Place on Earth.
You should never go to Disney World because of all the other things that make your trip so great. You should never go because a road trip to Disney World will be better than every other road trip there is. Even when you're in stand-still Atlanta traffic, you're elated because you know that you're approximately two hours and forty-three minutes away from your first palm tree sighting. You should never go because of all of the other places you go that aren't Disney World. You shouldn't go because you'll inevitably also go to Universal Studios to see Harry Potter world which you'll also never be able to stop thinking about. The hotel pool is better on your trip to Disney World, your Chick-Fil-A nuggets are better on your trip to Disney World.
You should never go to Disney World because you'll never want to go anywhere else on vacation. Cross country road trip with your best friends? No thanks, Magic Kingdom please. Exciting European getaway? Nah, how about we go to Epcot instead? Luxury cruise to Jamaica? Maybe...but only if it's a Disney cruise.
The point that I'm trying to make is that every little thing about going to Disney World is filled with fun. I've only ever been once, and that was at a whopping 18 years old, but it was still the best vacation I had ever been on. I had the time of my life and I want to go back all of the time.
What I'm saying is that you really should go, but just be aware that Post Disney Depression is an unescapable side effect.