When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you think about? For most of you, it won't be whether or not you will eat that day or where you will sleep that night. More people live like this than you know.
The world is full of people that are in need to be fed both physically and spiritually. The best way to fill these hungers is to go on a mission trip. Mission trips fill a variety of physical needs. They also bring the light of Christ into people's lives. Besides the obvious benefits, There is one more people do not realize happens. The immense spiritual growth and maturing for those that are sent.
People throughout the world go hungry and have no home to go to at night. These people face challenges that seem that they can never be conquered. When the mission trip arrives, this is one of the first problems that are solved. Food is given to those that are hungry and roofs are built for those who do not have one to sleep under. In some more professional mission trips, healthcare is even given to people who cannot afford to pay.
After the people have had their physical problems mended, next comes the spiritual. This is the real reason for the trip. In 1 Peter 1:24-25 it says that, "For all flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of the grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever." Christians want to mend bodies, but the soul is our true objective. God's love can heal far beyond anything man can achieve! Eternal salvation lasts much longer than a lifetime of meals and healthcare ever could.
A mission trip can have vast effects on the people who are helped, but they change the Christian who is sent as well. Being on a mission trip changes who you are. Nothing will mature you more than seeing someone who has nothing and lives that way everyday. However, even though these people have nothing, they live their lives with a smile on their face! You also will become humbled being in service to people who have so much less than what you realize.
Mission trips fulfill so many needs for so many people. they help those in need by feeding them, providing housing, providing healthcare, and so many other physical needs. Mission trips also bring God's love into people's lives. This is more important than anything else the mission does. These trips also change those who are sent. There is more spiritual growth for a Christian on a mission trip than there is anywhere else in their life. To make a long story short, going on a mission trip will change your life.