So I know I’m fashionably late to the party, but I recently discovered the amazing benefits of daily meditation. As a college student who juggles school work, extracurricular, a part time job, and a serious relationship, life can sometimes get, well… too much to handle. And I know for sure that there are more of you out there like me than not. Don’t buy in to all the zen, hippie “bs” yet? Let me tell you how much it changes your perspective on life.
It’s not as hard to start as you think
Guided mediation is available like no one’s business. Do a quick search on Youtube and you’ll be inundated with different options. Test a few out! Everyone’s voices will differ, and you’ll find what it is you like the most and what you respond to the best. Don’t knock it til ya try it! Want a starting point? Here’s my favorite guided meditation!
It’s a great way to start your day
On those days where you know you’re going to be on the verge of pulling your hair out, give yourself 10-30 minutes before you do anything else to just have some alone time. These minutes are crucial, and that little bit of relaxation will follow you throughout your day. You’ll find you’re less irritable and it’s nice to close your eyes and return to that moment of deep relaxation and inner peace.
It’s also a great way to end your day
A good night’s sleep is crucial to your overall disposition. There are times where you can’t seem to have enough minutes in the day and sometimes you won’t be able to squeeze some “me time” in your schedule. Fear not! It’s said that in order to have the best night’s sleep you can, you should spend the last 10 minutes of your day not looking at any screens, like phones, tablets, or TV. The light from these things aren’t natural, and your eyes and mind need time to adjust before settling down for bed. Instead of scrolling through Instagram or your favorite articles (we can wait until the morning!), light your favorite candle, sit down in a quiet room, and focus on your breathing. I promise you’ll have a better, more fulfilling sleep!
You become more in tune with your body
While meditating, you’re working on halting the majority of your thought process and focus on something calming, like your breathing or the sound of the ocean, rain, or even nothing. The lack of mental clutter helps you to get in touch with your body’s needs. You’ll realize your breathing is off or maybe your breaths aren’t deep enough, maybe you’ll realize your posture isn’t as good as it should be. You really get to know yourself and your body a little bit better, and we all could use some of that in our lives.
Everyone starts meditating for different reasons. Sometimes to de-stress, sometimes to reflect, sometimes to just be by themselves. Whatever the reason, it’s not a bad idea to implement something for yourself into your daily routine. Do something good for yourself. Know of any good reasons to start meditating? Let us know!