While being away from home at college, your dorm room is your new found home. And you should treat and decorate it as such. It is so important to make your dorm room as comfortable and as close to your room at home as you can. A lot of people do not realize how impactful it can be to how your school year is going to go
No, it is not the only component to having a good school year, but it is a significant one. Your dorm room is like your new home. The place in which you will return to after a long day of classes, where you will cry yourself to sleep because school is getting too frustrating, where you will binge watch Grey’s anatomy with a gallon of ice cream, and more importantly the place that you will call home for the next 9-10 months. You want to make that place as homey as it needs to be for you. Trust me no one wants to come back to a boring four white walls, a desk, and a closet. If there is anything to make your college career any easier you should do it at all cost. And this is one of those things.
Be as festive as you can if that is what you normally do at home. I personally am a very festive person so during Halloween my roommate and I carve pumpkins and get almost pumpkin everything related from soaps to candles, to lotions to food. During basketball and football season we are decorating our living area with tons of stuff from our favorite teams. There is no place that feels more Christmasy like our place with Christmas carols playing while we decorate our miniature tree and drink apple cider.
When you come back to your room after a long day you want to feel like you are at home. Even if that means hanging up your silly pictures from the summer, streaming Christmas lights around your room ,or even putting up princess decorations all over the place because that is what makes you feel at home. It is just so important because being away from home and family is hard at times and I think most of us get that homesick feeling at least twice while being away at school and your dorm is like your safe haven. The one place you can come back to and feel right at home.