Let's face it: mornings are not for everybody (myself absolutely included). And we have a tendency to be lazy, indulging in habits that include skipping breakfast, hitting 'snooze,' and not making our beds.
So when you have a bad morning, more than likely it will throw off the rest of your day and leave your brain spinning. To avoid that, I have come up with nine reaons why making your bed in the morning will make the rest of your day 10x better.
1. You are less likely to get back in bed.
The temptation to fall back asleep is always there, so if you make your bed then you are more than likely not going to want to sleep without all of your warm blankets. And, because most of us are lazy in the mornings, it will take too much effort to unmake it.
2. It declutters your mind.
Whenever you wake up, get ready, and have a few minutes to spare before you head out the door, if you look around and see all of the chores you have to do (including mkaing up your bed), then a kind of anxiety begins to form. More mess in your house means more mess in your mind.
3. No need to close your bedroom door for visitors.
You know when you have last minute guests come over and you are scrambling to try and make your home "acceptable," if your bed is already made, then that is one less thing to worry about!
4. Sets the mood for the rest of the day.
If you begin your day with one productive thing, your brain is usually pushed to do more productive things throughout the day.
5. Helps you form good habits.
Sure, this may not stop you from biting your nails or chewing your hair, but it will help your brain follow a pattern. And, if you continously follow this patern, you will make it a habit, and once one good habit starts, then it tends to be easier to form other good ones.
6. Makes you mother proud.
Because if you were raised in any shape, form, or fashion like I was, then you know if your momma came to the house, apartment, dorm, etc., and saw your bed wasn not made, she would have a stroke.