Valentine's day. A holiday as old as time only refurbished into the day specifically for the exchange of chocolate hearts, glamorous dinners, and an opportunity to show your loved one how much you care for them.
But what about if this significant other happens to be nonexistent at the moment? What do you do? Cry? Wallow in the sadness while binge-watching "New Girl" and a spoonful deep in the biggest pint of Ben and Jerry's the local grocer could offer?
This should be the time where you can show someone you love and care for how much they mean to you. Show yourself a little love. Because you need to be able to embrace being alone at times, and there is beauty in that. I'll repeat myself. There is beauty in solitary. Because honey, if you don't think you're cool/funny/beautiful as sh*t, you've got some work to do! Plus, this Valentine's day, you'll be able to save a few $$$ on those cheesy chocolates, and sure as hell won't be disappointed in what your boyfriend picked you up at Walgreens the night before.
If you're alone this V-day...
1. Go get a massage.
Honestly, the first time I went for a massage, I thought it was going to be a terribly weird experience... If you think about the concept, it is. It's SUPER weird. So don't think about it. Just go get a massage (shoot for the 90-minute one if you can--those are heavenly), and just enjoy it. Relax and treat yo' self, girl.
2. Write a letter to yourself.
This is one of my absolute favorite things to do. Not really, but something I always thank myself for. When I find my diary from grade school, old pieces of writing I did, or those letters to my self that I wrote in middle school and high school, it is wonderful. They are the closest thing to going back in time and reminiscing on who you were at that exact time and place. What you've learned, how you've grown. So sit down, and write to yourself. Say hello. Because in 5/10/25 years when you sit down and read it, who knows where you'll be, who you'll be with, and what you'll be doing? And that's the beauty of letters.
3. Make a playlist of songs that make you feel something.
Sit down, and find some songs that really, really affect you. Songs that make you cry, because you love them so much. Songs that make you remember someone that's not in your life anymore. Songs that motivate/inspire you.
4. Go get a facial/mani/pedi.
Girl, this is your day. You don't need someone else to make you feel good. Grab your best gals and go treat yourself.
5. Enjoy the time with yourself.
Something many people don't think about, is that in reality, you will always be there for yourself, so why not love every second? If you don't do any of these on Valentine's day, that is totally okay. Ask yourself what would make you so happy, and do that.
Valentine's day has gotten the bad rap that if you aren't in a happy and thriving relationship, you need to be totally "anti-Valentine's." And that shouldn't be the case. Take this romantic day and get yourself something super. You deserve it.