Music is universal and in the end, it reassures you that everything will really be okay.
This past weekend I attended Luke Wade's concert and it was not something I expected at all. In fact, it wasn't what I expected in the best way possible. This concert wasn't held in a typical concert venue with the speakers blaring (don't get me wrong, those concerts are a different type of fun as well), but instead, this concert was held in a small venue (Joe's Pub on Astor Place) lit by candlelight and filled with a crowd of all ages.
Here, the waiters and waitresses walked in between tables to pass the chardonnay and lobster roll to table 3 and the stage manager made sure the sound was working properly. Matt McAndrew had opened up the show and now it was time for Luke Wade. The audience was chatting amongst each other and there was a small flash of bright light as he began to perform his latest single, passenger side. The vibe was fantastic as the crowd turned off their phones and focused on his guitar strumming and his vocals alone as he began his performance. A few phones were out only for pictures and that was the beauty of it all, no one was on his/her phone to text or mindlessly scroll through social media.
It was a true experience of everyone coming together to appreciate music.
After he had finished his first song, he began to discuss his passion for music and how performing on this tour was a dream come true. He made me realize that it's the little things that matter the most and that every big dream has to start from small steps. He made the announcement that he wrote music to connect with people; everyone has a reason to tune out of the world for a second and music helps us do so for the time being. With each song, we are able to reconnect with ourselves and others.
From his new album, "Only Ghosts," he also performed Kissing Makeup and Morning View - songs about love and inner beauty. He told us a story about personal heartbreak and how he evolved from that and it was evident in his passion behind his lyrics. His reminder of how every relationship teaches us a lesson - whether it be one with our parents, our significant other, our friends, etc. - was evident in the audience's head nod of acceptance. Everyone in the room, although he/she may not know the person two tables down, displayed that he/she could relate to one other and that feeling was priceless. Relationships require patience and understanding and Wade was able to show us that we all go through the bad in hopes of getting to the best.
His album name "Only Ghosts," comes from a lyric in Kissing Makeup: "The face of what you fear the most, I can show you that they're only ghosts" In this song, he mentions how fears aren't as real as we think them to be. This line is so powerful because it pertains to all aspects of life today. From choices in a career to studies to love, the fear of not achieving a particular goal is always present. However, his lyrics remind us that the face of fear is all in our head. Anything is possible and sometimes we just need that reassurance to keep going.
I was able to attend this concert with someone who means so much to me and it was an amazing feeling to be able to experience new music together. I think that's one of the hardest parts of life - to hold onto a particular connection while continuously searching for and accepting new ones. We all go through experiences in hopes of bettering ourselves for what's to come and despite downfalls or multiple negative aspects, that desire is always there. As hard as it is to always keep your head up, it's never impossible.
In his album, he sings a lot about fears. It's universal and "when it's the only one that holds you," it's hard to keep moving forward. But, if your goals don't scare you, they aren't big enough, right?
After his show, he stepped out to sign shirts and speak with fans. He spoke about not only his music but his hometown - simply just real, normal conversations. Everyone congratulated him on a fantastic show and his face was beaming with absolute joy. There was true passion in his smile and it was visible.
Everyone: Take a listen!!! (He's on Spotify as well!)
A review: "A welcomed new sound that feels oh so familiar, and exactly what's been missing at the same time"