Ping pong tables are in dorms all around campus, and people stop by for tournaments all the time. People who know how to play ping pong are winners. Don't want to be a loser? Here are blank reasons why you should know how to play this fantastic sport.
1. Gain better reflexes
Ping pong is harder than you may think. Especially against people who know what they're doing, your reflexes will strengthen the more you play. You might even fall over trying to return the ball.
2. Compare skills with others
Think you're the best out there? Travel around campus to different dorms and find competitors to see if you really are the ping pong champion.
3. Make new friends
Challenge people who have the same skillset as you. You'll make new friends and hopefully allies for future tournaments.
4. Have easy access to play
Ping pong is one of the best activities to participate in on campus. There are tables literally everywhere, and paddles are just an RA away.
If you didn't already know, ping pong is essential to being a cool person at SUNY Fredonia. If you don't know how to play, practice with a friend at one of the billion tables in every dorm.