Why You Should Take An Internship In A Foreign Country | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Take An Internship In A Foreign Country

Internships in foreign countries help broaden your understanding of different cultures, and look great on your resume!

Why You Should Take An Internship In A Foreign Country
Dreams Time

It seems internships are on everyone's minds in colleges. Hall directors and RA's are always talking about how good they look on your resume and how they can prepare you for future jobs. But the main question on everyone's mind is: where? Where should I intern? The thought of interning in another country seems scary and unrealistic. However, it can actually be beneficial to you and your future career!

Interning in another country definitely looks good on resumes. It tells future employers that you are dedicated to your work; so dedicated that you would go to another country in order to learn more about your line of work and how to improve it. It shows dedication, and also experience. This sticks out to potential employers, and can give you a better chance at actually getting your desired job.

Interning in another country also broadens your views of your major/future career. You learn how different people in different areas perform in your future line of work, and you also get to experience these new ways of thinking and doing. You can then apply these new ideas and ways of doing to your own future job; again giving future employers another reason to hire you.

According to Time, studying or working abroad can also make you more intelligent: "...students who adopted an open and adaptive attitude toward foreign cultures became more able to make connections among disparate ideas... People who have international experience or identify with more than one nationality are better problem solvers and display more creativity, our research suggests. What’s more, we found that people with this international experience are more likely to create new businesses and products and to be promoted." Interning in a country can also help you with your foreign language skills, which also can make you more intelligent. Once again, employers are looking for good problem solvers and people who can make their companies/line of work better. A good grasp on a foreign language is also ideal, depending on the job.

So obviously interning in another country is good for you if you want to get hired by your dream job. But it can do so much more than that. Interning in another country helps broaden your understanding and appreciation of different cultures and people. In today's world, it seems that ignorance and hate are everywhere, especially after the election of Trump. They key to fighting this is understanding. Sure, internships in foreign countries look great on your resume, but because of them you learn about different cultures. And learning is how we fight ignorance and hate.

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