College is an exciting time in people's lives. Often times, it's known as "the best four years of your life." Many of us grow up being told that after high school, we need to go to college so that we can have a well-paying job someday, so people will enroll hoping to graduate with a degree in something that will not only get them a job, but a job that pays well. This leads to students majoring in something that they aren't interested in because they are only in it for the money. There is more to college than getting an education so you can make a lot of money someday.
College is awesome because you go through great experiences. You go out, meet all sorts of different people and make a ton of new friends. You learn that there's so much more to life than the people you went to high school with. You not only meet people from different parts of the country, but also different parts of the world. Going to college allows you to meet people who will introduce you to different cultures. In college, you're not only educated by professors, but also by your peers.
College allows you to learn a lot about yourself. You can be any person you want to be without any judgement. You date new people, make new friends, figure out your sexuality, join clubs you never thought you'd join, die your hair crazy colors -- in college, you figure out what you like and who you like.
You develop awesome connections. Your professors know people and will help you get jobs in your field. If you make a good impression and have a good relationship with your professors, they'll write you awesome recommendation letters and they'll guide you into getting that interview. Not only do professors get you a job after college, but having a positive relationship with your professors gets you internships during your years at college. After my first year of college, I had a summer job that was another beneficial job experience to add on my resume. Most people don't get that kind of experience.
Your education expands. By going to college, you not only learn about things in your major, you also take other classes that'll expand your knowledge. Going to a liberal arts college, I learned about religion around the world, philosophy, psychology, American government, 1930's American culture, and music in society. Those are classes that I took to expand my knowledge on life, but college allows me to take many other classes that'll broaden my knowledge on life.
You learn a little bit more about how to be an adult. After working at a daycare, I learned way more about children and babies than I ever thought possible. There's so much more you need to know than you think. Also, you learn how to live alone without the help of your parents. To add, you'll learn how to save your money because college is expensive, and material things aren't as wonderful as you thought they were.
In conclusion, if you're going to college so that you can get a job in the future that'll make you money, then you're not going to college for the right reasons. There's more to college than the money. College gets you connections, experience, friends and memories that'll last a lifetime. Go to college in hopes to get a job doing something that you love. One of my professors once told me on the last day of classes, "Your dreams may change; your dreams probably will change; just never stop chasing them."
If you have no idea what you want to do with your life, then don't waste your time and money. However, if you know that you want an education and a career, then go to college as an undeclared major, and you'll figure it out. Plus, you'll have a great time along the way!