Why You Should Go To Chabad At UGA | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Go To Chabad At UGA

One of the few places at UGA where every Jew is family!

Why You Should Go To Chabad At UGA
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Chabad is one of the best places to feel connected to your Judaism on UGA's campus. Going to Chabad makes you realize that although our Jewish community is small at UGA, it is extremely tight-knit. With Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur coming up next month, remember that Chabad is an amazing place to observe the holidays. Below are a few reasons you should go to Chabad often, besides the obvious: make your parents proud!

1. The Green Stuff

It’s easy to get addicted to the green sauce at Chabad. You can put it on the incredible challah, noodles or anything in between. Sometimes you just get lost in the green sauce. Most people are still unsure what it’s made of, but trust me it’ll keep you coming back for more!

2. Hearts and Crafts with Chana

Once a month, girls are invited to create arts and crafts projects with Chana. The girls discuss Jewish ideas, events and holidays and get the opportunity to make something beautiful to take home. Last week, they decorated beautiful mezuzahs that they are proud to hang on their doors. Chana is so sweet and hospitable, not to mention one of the best cooks in the state of Georgia.

3. The Food

Of course I cannot fail to mention the incredible food at Chabad. Every Shabbat dinner has challah, green stuff (obviously!), salads, soup, chicken, noodles and dessert, all cooked by the incredible Chana! Sounds like every college student’s dream, right?! Especially for those living in the dorms. I mean why eat microwaveable mac and cheese when you can go to Chabad and enjoy a home-cooked meal with all of your friends! You come hungry, and leave happy every time without a doubt.

4. Shabbat 500

Shabbat 500 is one of the most exciting events of the year. Basically it's the one night that the entire Jewish community at UGA sits outside in a huge tent and eats delicious food and celebrates Shabbat together. It’s a great time to see old friends and meet new people as well. It also reminds you how special our community is here at UGA, and makes you feel proud to be a part of it!


Every other Tuesday, Chabad has breakfast for dinner! At JHOP, Jewish House of Pancakes, you are able to enjoy bagels, pancakes, waffles, and omelets! If you’re like me and don’t need an excuse to eat a bagel, then this is the event for you!

6. You can meet new people

One of the most exciting things about going to Chabad is getting to meet new people. It’s exciting to get to know new people who share a similar religious connect to you. It’s amazing to be able to feel a part of this community in Athens that is bigger than just your own individual sorority or fraternity.

7. A second family in Athens

Most importantly, the family of Chabad in Athens is truly one of a kind. They welcome everyone with open arms and make everyone feel at home and special. If you’re out of state, like me, it’s nice to know you have a place to go on the holidays where you feel welcome and comfortable. I know my family cannot thank Chabad at UGA for all of the hospitality throughout the years!

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