In the midst of horrible negative temperatures, piles of snow, and heaps of used tissues scattered everywhere, you’ll find people drinking sangrias while dreaming of the beach. It’s the time when the gym is suddenly packed with new, dedicated enthusiasts getting ready to flounce around in bathing suits and tan skin.
You’ll also find people scouring the kitchen at this time, desperate to find something to ease their hunger while being healthy at the same time. Shh… shh… if you listen closely you can hear the crunching sound of someone unhappily eating celery.
So naturally, I take this sacred time before spring break and decide to eat lots and lots of cake.
Yes, you heard me right. Cake.
Here a few of my favorite desserts to eat as I dream of laying in the sand.
Sorbet Ice Cream
If you’re just dying for that “margarita on the beach” taste already, try sorbet ice creams instead. With a few simple ingredients, you can create an ice cream chill that tastes delicious and is low on calories. The fruit is excellent for you too!
Dark Fudge Brownies
Think you have to give up something so classic as brownies? Think again! This dessert is made with dark chocolate, which is scientifically proven to be good for your heart in doses. This is a perfect choice for those of you tired of trying those “healthy black bean brownies” that are just plain sad. Beans in brownies? Thanks for taking the fun out of dessert.
Black Forest Banana Split
A banana split that you can eat on a diet? Heck yes. If you're curious (George) about this recipe, check out the link below. You don't have to give up anything for that "spring break body", especially not banana splits!
Apple Cobbler
Remember the good old days when your grandma's kitchen smelled like the crumbliest, sweetest, and most mouth-watering pie in the world? Well, now you can relive that all over again in your own way. With low sugar and fresh apples, you can eat this without getting a sugar hangover after.
Carrot Zucchini Cupcake
Whens the last time you thought, "Boy I need to start eating healthy... better bake some cupcakes?!" Yes, it comes with an odd name, but according to reviews, these vegan treats are the!
Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Bars
These bars are only 128 calories, for all of you counting mercilessly. But the point is that they're deliciously sweet, creamy, and satisfies any sweet tooth. Go ahead, we know you want them!
Sure, we all wanna get a little healthier after the months of hot chocolate, hiding under heated blankets, and eating leftover Christmas cookies. But to be honest, extreme dieting isn't the way to go. In restricting meals and foods, your body becomes adapted to that kind of diet. When you start to get back on track to your normal regime, the calories you intake turn immediately to fat.
It's OK to eat food that tastes good while being good.
Have a fantastic spring break, everyone!