6 Reasons Why You Should Drink Water
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6 Reasons Why You Should Drink Water

Why You Should Drink Water ?

6 Reasons Why You Should Drink Water

Water is life. We have all heard this saying in our lives, but most people always ignore this. Water is essential in the human body. You can last longer without eating than you can without drinking water. This should show you how important water is. It is the source of all life. Not only should you drink water every day but you should also drink plenty of it. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters a day. To know why that is so, let us dig into the 6 reasons why you should drink plenty of water.

1. It maximizes physical performance

One of the ways water does this is by boosting your metabolism. When you are dehydrated, your muscles experience what is known as 'muscle fatigue'. This means that there isn't a lot of fluids and causes electrolytes to shrivel. As a result, you will not perform as well as you should. Overexerting yourself when you are like this can cause serious medical conditions.

Most of the water is lost especially when you are exercising. Drink a lot of water to help replenish the water in your muscles. Water also helps lubricate your tissues, joints, and spinal cord and cushions them. This makes doing physical activities that much easier.

Keep a bottle of water near you at all times. It is mostly necessary when exercising and on hot days.

2. Balance of fluids

The human body is made of 60% water. This water carries out a lot of important functions in the body. They include transport of nutrients, creation of saliva, and regulation of body temperatures. Saliva is mostly made up of water. The saliva helps in breaking down food for easy swallowing and prevents friction. Drink a lot of water and other fluids to help regulate the saliva in your mouth and keep it healthy.

On a hot day or intense physical activities, water is used to regulate body temperature. When it is hot, the sweat glands in your body release sweat. This sweat evaporates, therefore, cooling the body. This enables the body to bear heat strain. It also reduces physical strain on the body.

For your body to be healthy, nutrients are needed. You get these nutrients by way of food. Water plays an essential role in that it transports the nutrients. The nutrients dissolve in water and use it as a transportation medium. This allows them to reach and enrich different parts of the body.

3. Prevention of diseases and toxin buildup

One of the diseases that can be prevented by water is kidney stones. Kidneys help in regulating the fluid in your body and removal of toxins. Toxins are flushed out through sweat and urine. Kidneys rid the body of toxins, like urea, when there is enough fluid in the body. It cleanses itself when the water is adequate. This also leaves more fluids for bodily functions.

When the body doesn't have enough fluids, kidneys keep most of the water back. This will mean that there won't be enough water to flush out toxins. The color and odor of your urine will then change and become stronger. Lack of enough water in the body may also result in kidney stones.

4. Helps with digestion and prevents constipation

We are normally advised to eat food containing fibers. These fibers help in the digestion of food in the body. The water assists in the breakdown of food. This makes digestion easier and ensures you get the most out of your food.

Water also helps to prevent constipation. Water is a natural lubricant. When there is enough water in the body, your stool will easily pass. The trouble comes when you don't have enough water in the body. This means that your body will have to retain the fluids for other bodily functions. This, in turn, means that your stool will have no fluid and will become hard. Hard stool is difficult to pass and might result in hemorrhoids.

5. Prevents dehydration

This is one of the most obvious functions of water. Dehydration has adverse effects on the human body. For starters, it reduces the brains power. The brain is made up of 73% water. You can now see why water is recommended to increase brain function. When the brain is provided with enough water, it makes it easy to concentrate. It also allows you to focus more and boosts your energy levels.

Other effects of dehydration include mood alterations, reduction in motor skills, and even increases your body's sensitivity to pain. Drinking plenty of water helps elevate your mood and is a natural remedy for headaches. It also gives your brain the energy to improve your cognitive skills.

6. Skin rejuvenation and weight loss

The skin needs water to maintain its freshness. Without water, the skin wrinkles and might even form cracks. Sufficient water prevents the skin from drying up and wrinkling. Drink lots of water to improve your skin complexion.

Drinking water before meals helps in weight loss. It makes you feel full, so you won't overfeed. Water also flushes out fat by-products. These two functions combined help you to manage and even lose weight.

To ensure that your body has enough water during the day, keep a bottle of water by your side at all times. There are even apps that remind you to drink water. At home, ensure that there is always enough water for the family. This ensures that you and your family are always hydrated and energized.

Most homes use water pumps for their water. Various water pumps are ranging from those for drinking water to water pumps for cars. To get the best water pumps and water pump advice, visit pumpiee. This site gives you all water pump options, including the best drinking water pumps. It also has a section that shows you how to make your water pump at home for those who prefer DIY.

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