Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of life, we forget about one constant — ourselves. When was the last time you did something you love — not for anyone else, but simply because you enjoy doing it? Unfortunately, in the modern world, this doesn't happen nearly enough. We get so wrapped up in our own lives, that we eventually forget about ourselves and eventually become, well...miserable.
Disclosure: "Dating yourself" is important, regardless of whether or not you have a significant other. Go buy that box of chocolate. Take yourself out to dinner. Your friends don't want to see that play? Fine — go see it by yourself. At the end of the day, it's important you're doing what makes YOU happy; as I mentioned before, the one constant we have in life is ourselves. Sometimes, being selfish is OK.
Dating yourself doesn't just include doing "date" things for yourself, it's a complete lifestyle change. This includes taking responsibility for your health - inside and out. Ever heard of those endorphin things that make you feel super-great after a workout? I can assure you they are not a myth. Whether it's running on the treadmill, blasting *insert pop diva here*, kickboxing or simply riding your bike outside; it's important to find a physical activity that makes you feel good. Feeling lazy? YouTube has a ton of free workouts you can do from the comfort of your own bedroom — PJs optional. Blogilates is a personal favorite of mine, as she is incredibly motivating and her workouts are killer.
As far as taking care of your internal health — diet, diet, diet. No, not referring to those 'Atkins-style' fad diets, which supposedly help you 'lose 25 pounds in 25 days - you only end up hungry and with extra skin from the speedy weight loss. Who needs that? However, your general food intake does play a huge role in your mood. If you choose to eat fried food and empty calories all-day-everyday, not only will you feel more sluggish, your immune system will weaken, leaving you more susceptible to pesky viruses, like the cold, as your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs.
This isn't to say that you shouldn't treat yourself every once in a while (referring back to that box of chocolates) just remember: everything in moderation.
Lastly, it's important to practice self-love and stop comparing yourself to other people (NB: confidence not cockiness). It's true, we can't all look like *insert idolized celebrity here*, but then I'm sure even the Kendall Jenners of this world also compare themselves to people. Honestly, once we accept ourselves, for all our weird quirks and habits, all that positivity becomes infectious. Own. It.