The one thing about college that everyone learns at one point or another, is that as you go through each semester you learn what you like and what you don't like. Having been an English major at Montclair for three years now, I have learned a lot about myself in terms of what I like and don't like. I can honestly say I am not a huge fan of the literature aspect of the major because I find it a bore to sit down and read a novel in a week for a class discussion. But I can say that the part that I absolutely love about my major is the writing aspect. But my love for writing grew when I took my Introduction to Fiction Writing Course.
I can say without a doubt it is by far my favorite class that I have taken as a college student. Being able to come up with your own stories and also being able to read and critique other people's stories is an experience that I will never forget and always enjoy. After I finished that class, I became interested in creative writing and after putting a lot of thought into it I chose to minor in creative writing and I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I have ever made as a college student.
Why should you consider Creative Writing as a minor? Well for one it has so many mediums in which one can express themselves creatively whether it is writing fiction, poetry, film or even writing nonfiction. I have taken classes in both the genre of poetry and fiction writing as well as creative nonfiction. I learned a lot about how poetry is more about written language and how you use it rather than just writing your emotions down. Being able to use written language in a way that interests the reader and allows them to find meaning in your words.
Fiction is more than just story telling, it is a way of using one's experiences as well as their creativity to write something that not only can amuse an audience but also create a universal lesson for readers out there. There are a lot of techniques and skills needed to become a good writer I can say that the Fiction Workshops I have taken have helped me improve my writing a lot. I have become very passionate about fiction writing and learning the different techniques it takes to be a good writer. I have also learned a lot about giving good and constructive criticism as well as receiving it.
Creative nonfiction has also had a big influence on me as a writer because it has shown me how I can use my personal experiences and write about them in a creative way to reach an audience. Writing creative nonfiction has also helped me on a personal level as well because it has helped me reflect on my experiences in life and how they have molded me and now I can use those skills to write my own work to help others out there.
Another thing I love about this minor is the professors who are passionate about writing, have experience in writing and their ability to teach future writers what they know. I took poet Michael Robbins for my Poetry Workshop and I can say that he has given me a lot knowledge on writing poetry and has given me a whole new perspective on it. The professors at Montclair are very passionate about their students being able to grow as writers and are always there to help students grow and become better writers.
I am not the only here who has a passion for creative writing. I have encountered other students who share the same passion and it has been a pleasure to talk with them and pick their brains about ideas they have for stories or poems. I asked a fellow classmate of mine (who first told me about the minor) about why she chose to pursue the minor and why she loves it and she had this to say, "I chose the minor because I'm passionate about writing and wanted to learn more about techniques for writing fiction. I like the minor because it's small and close-knit. The head of the department teaches courses and is very available to students. They really care about students in the minor."
And the thing is creative writing is not only for English majors. Anyone who has a passion for writing should consider the minor. If you love to write and want to get better at it this minor is for you. If you love writing poetry or fiction then at least look into the Fiction or Poetry Workshops. They are great classes filled with people who enjoy writing just as much as you are and not only will you be able meet some cool people but you will also get to read some interesting work. I cannot recommend this minor enough and I know I am looking forward to the next batch of classes I am taking. I hope to see some of you there!