Who cares what people think of you? If you’re happy with who you are and what you’re doing then that’s all that matters. If you’re being different and genuine to yourself than you will succeed.
Seems easy enough, right?
Human beings are critical and censorious. It is our second nature to judge others and to be hesitant about accepting what is unfamiliar to us. We are afraid of the things that we do not understand. We are all guilty of being judgmental. However, there are two types of people. There are those who judge and keep it to themselves and those who judge and speak it aloud. It isn’t easy trying to care less what people think of you. Happy people don’t have the time to be concerning themselves with other people’s lives and problems; they’re too busy being happy. If someone is judging you or giving you negative input, it’s because they aren’t content or satisfied with their own lives.
Often times, we base our self worth off the opinions from others, the amount of likes we receive on a photo, or the praise we get from strangers and our loved ones. Its tough not to care about what people think of you. Because, today we live in a society with a platform, that is literally designed as a place where you can share your life and your opinions; we call it social media. We’re surrounded 24/7 by the brusque words of our friends, family and strangers.
As for those few people who voice their opinion, just remember, you never look good trying to make someone look bad. I’ve learned this the hard way. When you judge others it is not their character that you are defining, it is your own. But we’re all guilty of doing this. However, I’ve learned that sometimes it’s just best to keep your mouth shut. Like they say “some things are better left unsaid.” If it’s rude or negative, just keep it to your self. The only private thought you can think is one that never leaves your mouth. As you care less about what others think of you, you will start to think more about what they think of themselves.
Eventually it will just click. The older you get the more you will stop caring. Over time, you learn to not listen to the negative things that others think of you. You will realize that you’ve come far in life and that you’re worthy of only the very best. You will come to find that you are so proud of the person you’ve become and you will recognize how hard you worked to get to that place.
So, why should you care less what others think of you?
Because the saying goes “life is what you make it,” not “life is what other’s think you should make it.”