If you were to go through my phone calls, it would look something like this.
So if you can't tell, I call my parents a lot.
Sometimes it's more than one time a day. I walk a little under a mile to and from campus at the beginning and the end of the day and sometimes I walk home in the dark after PT so I call my house. I like to walk and talk. That way, my mom doesn't have to worry whether or not I got home okay, and I can talk without any distractions for a little bit.
But it's more than that. When I call my parents it gives me a chance to catch up with them not just weekly like some students do, but daily. I can see how my mom's night at work was and I can call my dad in the afternoon when he gets home.
I also call them whenever I have any kind of news. When my boyfriend sends me a cute text about something he wants to do in the future, naturally, I want to call my best friend and talk about it, so I call my mom.
I get how some people think it's ridiculous and they would never call their parents everyday, maybe not even every week, but I think that is ridiculous.
Your parents gave birth to you, have listened to you complain all the time, have boasted about your accomplishments, have provided a life for you (whether it was a wonderful one like mine or a bad one, they still did).
Your parents have likely bent over backwards for you and you owe them that call to see how their day is going.
Lastly, you also may not have a lot of time left with your parents. I know a handful of kids my age who have already lost their parents. Think about that next time you choose to not call your mom or dad.
So you should pick up the phone and give them the call.