When I first saw the commercials for a new show called "This Is Us" I was instantly intrigued. Simply put, the show is about five people; Rebecca, Jack, Randall, Kate, and Kevin. You follow them through times in their life and see them at their best and at their worst. I don't want to go into too much detail about the show, because I hope you'll want to watch it after reading this.
This show is brilliant and I can guarantee by the end of the first episode you'll be hooked. The very end of the first episode reveals a twist you definitely won't see coming, unless you've read spoilers or who have friends that like to ruin things for you. All I'm going to say is that these five people are connected in some way and you get to see that in the first episode.
It has friendship, family, romance, and everything in between. When looking at people's lives you obviously get to see their relationships, but out of all the shows I've watched, I've never seen a show balance all these different kinds of relationships so well before. They don't focus on friendship like "Friends" or focus on family like "Parenthood." It represents every relationship you've ever had or will have.
It represents real life and real things you would experience in your life. It shows struggles with alcoholism and rocky relationships. It shows raw emotion when it comes to love lives. It shows corny jokes shared with family and friends. It shows the growth of family and different kinds of relationships.
"This Is Us" is in my opinion the best new show on television and you should be watching it because this is us, all of us.
The next episode of "This Is Us" airs November 15th at 9pm on NBC.