I recently read an article by a blogger named Katherine Preston. In her post, she said the phrase:
"Without spontaneity I was safe, with it I was living."
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As soon as I read this I began thinking about the last time that I got up and did something that had not been planned at least 24 hours earlier. Our culture is so orchestrated. We always need a plan, and we seem to be nervous when a plan suddenly changes. We plot out our day so that we can fit as many planned activities in as possible. Sports, volunteering, grocery shopping, and cleaning, there is always something else we want to fit into our already overflowing schedules. And when we get home at night, would you ever expect someone to show up uninvited? Probably not.
Humans love comfortability. Routines are part of our nature and it can become so convenient and easy to follow along with our habits that we don't notice the rut we have fallen into. Because of developments in social media, iPhones, and general technology, we are less likely to pick up the phone and actually call someone, since texting and snap chatting is so easily accessible. This is something that I think everyone can work on. We seem to have developed a new set of social norms that don't include spontaneity. When a moment of spontaneity is upon you, ask yourself the question, "what truly is the worst thing that could happen?"
Moments when we truly let go and do something unplanned are the moments when we actually feel things. Our lives can be too future oriented sometimes. If instead we focus on the things we can actually control in the moment, our lives become much more exciting. Saying yes to something that you had not planned ahead of time can be one of the most rewarding things you ever do.
Most of my best and strongest moments can be linked back to a spontaneous event. Maybe it's deciding to go to a concert later that night or staying up way too late in order to go do something on your bucket list.
Spontaneity is essential in life. It is a way to truly experience the ups and downs that life is supposed to possess. Sometimes I think we need a reminder that spontaneity is a part of life that we can't miss out on. While routines can be comfortable and safe, being spontaneous is when we find ourselves and have unforgettable life experiences. And so once again, "Without spontaneity I was safe, with it I was living."