Why You Should Be Listening To The 1975 Right Now | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Be Listening To The 1975 Right Now

They're so unique even though they sample so many different genres and styles.

Why You Should Be Listening To The 1975 Right Now
Rolling Stone

If you know me, you have probably heard me mention my immense love for the band The 1975. Many people who know of them often believe them to be a band for teenage girls who are promising their parents that "it's not just a phase." But the truth is that The 1975 are so much greater than what the large majority of their fan base represents. And luckily, their popularity has been spreading and they are breaking free of that stereotype. I am desperate to bring others into the world of The 1975 and, hopefully, help them find that this band has some truly great music, and stories, to offer.

The 1975 really rose into the public eye in 2013 with the release of their self-titled debut album. This album, along with the following deluxe version, containing their previous, successful EPs, launched their popularity in America. The venues on their initial tours were small, but grew as time went along.

Afterward, there were rumors of a breakup, and other issues within the band. These were finally squashed, however, when the band came out with a new single in 2015 titled "Love Me." At this point, the band had been gaining popularity continuously since their first album, and the new single ignited not only the loyal first fans, but attracted new ones as well. They followed this single with a few more, and built anticipation for their second album, I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it. This title is long and gorgeous, similar to the music which it encompasses. In February of 2016, this album was released and followed by two American tours (one currently happening), a European tour, and other festival appearances.

The 1975 have truly hit their stride this year, and success has hit them in turn. But it's not the critical acclaim which should convince you to give these Brits a listen. It's the stunning mix of sounds which come together to make their music brilliantly pleasing to listen to, and the stories they tell through their songs which will ultimately convince you. The band mates themselves behind all of the music are the key to it all. Matthew (Matty) Healy, who is the lead vocalist and writes all of their songs, is a charismatic rock star, but one who truly pours his heart into each song. Adam Hann, the lead guitarist, and George Daniel, the drummer, have proven to be wizards in musical production. Ross McDonald, the bassist, carries each song with fervor.

They've made themselves known for putting on fantastic shows to go along with their music. In fact, on Halloween of this year, I attended a concert which was themed around the Star Wars franchise, and each member dressed up as someone from the series. It is that kind of fun, along with the music, that creates real experiences at their concerts, and allows the fans to connect further with the band and the music.

Much of the discography of The 1975 contains songs with synthesized notes and sounds behind the track which show a softer side (see "Menswear," "Haunt // Bed," or the title track of the second album for examples). There still remain many more upbeat, rock-style jams which pull the listener back out of the depths where the more smooth, introspective songs take them (see "Sex," "Heart Out," or "She's American"). What makes their music so unique is that it is truly a swirling mix of multiple genres, each of which show up unexpectedly, but work so well together. In Apple Music's description of the second album, they say that it is "a captivating display of all the UK rock chameleons do so well, blending neon '80s art funk confections... and heady 21st-century electro-textures...." The 1975 seem inspired by everyone from Duran Duran to Travis Scott. Healy regularly speaks of his love of black and white, and many of their music videos reflect that. However, they also have many brilliantly colorful videos as well. Their music follows suit and ranges from very dark to very colorful. Interestingly, their first album is black and white, while the second is pink and white. The 1975's music is not of single form, and that is something that makes them so special.

Click here to watch the music video for one of their most popular songs, "Girls"

Fans have also delighted in the lyrics of each song, many of them being relevant to Healy's teenage years, or topics ranging from love, to addiction, to the purpose of life. Healy has a gift for catchy, clever lines which often standout amidst repeated phrases. There is also clear maturity that was gained from the first album to the second. This doesn't come in explicitness, but rather in production and in the themes of the songs. Healy even refers to this in the song "A Change of Heart" with the lyrics, "Are we awake? Am I too old to be this stoned?" The meaning behind these words is likely to be Healy questioning himself and his friends as to their position in life right now. Are they old enough now that they should be more aware of life and be doing something more meaningful, and not just getting high? It appears so, as the band's music has grown with them. The music may have a wider appeal and reach older audiences, especially with their more mature second album.

It is my great hope that you and others listen to The 1975. If you don't like their sound, that's fair. If you do, that's great, and I hope you will tell your friends. Other good news for the fans: Matty Healy confirmed a new album is coming in 2017. Yes, I am also screaming.

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