After senior year, we all know where we're going to college and our high school friends get thrown across the country and even across the globe for school. Sure, you'll keep in touch with some of your close friends and see some on break, but who's the one friend you should really keep around? You guessed it. A friend that goes to Bucknell.
Here's why a friend that goes to Bucknell is a friend forever.
1. They will always have pictures of squirrels doing quirky things ready to text you or show you incase you're feeling down.
2. They'll let you know how many times the fire alarm has gone off in Vedder... (eight that I've counted FYI).
3. You can get excited about the new section of the library they found that they hadn't known about before.
4. You wont get a response for a little while because the wifi went out three times in one night.
5. We take our darties (day-time parties) very seriously (Oktoberfest).
6. They'll never bother you with sports announcements and what the Patriot League is up to.
7. You'll see tons of snapchat stories of the sunset on the quad to brighten your evenings of studying.
8. They'll bring home tons of apparel, stickers, maybe even a wooden carved chair, because you were all obviously very interested in owning one.
9. They'll complain about walking up and down hills. Yes, they will even do this to Lehigh students.
10. Okay, so it might just seem like my list of complaints for having a stressful week, but hey there's some pretty exciting stuff going on here all the time, so hit us up.
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