Tipping is a topic that I feel very strongly about even though I have never been a waitress or had a job that received tips. It's a major pet peeve of mine when people don't tip because servers in the restaurant industry heavily rely on those tips. If you don't tip, then I'm going to assume you are either A, an ignorant jerk, or B, don't understand why tips are important. Let's assume you are part of the B group, just to be nice.
For example, let's say you are a server at a typical restaurant. Good so far, right? Yay, I have a job! I should be grateful, right? Then, we find out that you get paid $2.13 an hour. How is this possible, you ask? The minimum wage is $7.25, you say? Unfortunately, this does not apply to those who work in the restaurant industry. This hourly wage of $2.13 per hour has not changed since 1991. So, no, there are no excuses for not tipping. Let go over some common questions, shall we?
Why don't they just get a real job, then? That's a good question! Most of the waiters and waitresses I know are currently attending college that they are trying to pay for with this job. In the real world, in order to get a so-called "real job", you have have a college degree or higher. Interesting, so to sum up, server job = money for college = college degree = real job. So, by not tipping your waiter, you are actually preventing them from getting a real job. Crazy how these things work out, huh?
What if I can't afford to tip, you ask? If you cannot afford to tip, then you cannot afford to be eating out. Period. Go to the grocery store and make your own meals, problem solved. I hear ramen noodles are quick and easy, bon appetit! If you go to a restaurant and take up a table where they are hoping for potential tips, and then deny them that, you have prevented them from possibly making rent, or maybe having enough money to eat dinner that night. It's just not right. Still believe you shouldn't tip?
Well, my food took a long time to get out, you say? Newsflash, that's not on the server, that's on the chef. Do not, and I repeat, do not take it out on the server for your food taking a long time. Do you think seriously your server is back there making your macaroni and cheese? No, no, no. They are doing the best they can, don't punish them for it.
Let me sum this whole thing for you guys: even if your order was messed up, the service was slow, or all your plates didn't come out at the same time, you still tip. And if you consistently get bad service, then maybe you should start looking at how you treat others. Maybe they're not the problem, maybe, just maybe, you are. The moral of the story is that tipping is not an option, it is a requirement. Tip as if your life depends on it, because even if that is not the case for you, maybe it is for your waitress.