Confession Time: I'm twenty-one years old and I still ask my mother to help me make my doctor's appointments.
This generation of college students inevitably isn't taught any, if at all, life skills inside of the classroom setting. Unfortunately, we walk around this world after college not knowing how to cook simple meals, balance a check book, how to apply for a credit card, or not know how to do things such as applying for a loan. I feel like a unreliable zombie. I'm a twenty-one year old college student who asks my mother or father for help on everyday life things that most adults probably know how to do.
This is honestly why we should all give our parents a little thanks!
Not being taught how to do everyday life skills in school probably hindered me; but, my parents made sure to help ease this pathway to adulthood for me. My parents helped give me the tools to succeed that most people probably still are lacking. Beginning with independence, my parents showed me that if you want something you have to work for it; you alone. I wanted to go to college and I wanted to become a teacher. My parents gave me the tools I needed from them such as setting up financial aid and FAFSA and even showed me that it is 100% alright and normal to take a loan. They helped me figure out what I needed to do. If I wanted to go to college and become an independent woman, I needed to gain the skills of independence by financing my own college tuition.
Now, they helped me most certainly with other finances along the way such as car insurance, phone payments, technology payments, food, shelter, etc. The list really goes on. However, in order for me to gain my independence and reach a goal I wanted to achieve, I needed to learn how to do it alone and learn to appreciate this.
Now, independence isn't something you completely gain overnight. By all means, it truly is not. Yes, I am fully capable of calling the doctor's office and making my own appointments; but, I still sometimes ask my mother to call them for me. Inevitably, they'll let her set up the appointment but as it would have it, I still have to confirm, still get reminders, and still do all the office stuff and the actual appointment by myself. Baby steps, guys, baby steps!
As a young adult and child to my parents, I can vouch that they have given me tons of other tools to succeed in life by helping me set up a bank account, take out my student loans, learn to cook some simple meals (even with an oven!), and have helped me gain the confidence I need to back my independence.
So, to all the parents out there, including mine, thanks for helping me transition into adulthood. Thanks for teaching me the life skills I need. Thanks for making me a little better than the other college students who have to microwave every meal. Thanks for being my Mom and Dad.