I’m pretty sure we all know that life isn’t exactly easy.
In fact, I doubt it will ever be “easy”.
There will always be good moments and bad moments in a person’s life because it’s all based on perspective: someone can make a C on a test and that could be the best moment of their day, but for another that could be the worst. No one goes looking for bad moments (sometimes); it just happens. You can’t control every single part of your life, but you can control how you handle it.
I’ve always been jeered at for having a positive attitude, a kind heart and a smile on my face ninety-five percent of the time. It confuses me a lot, because why don’t people choose to be nice or positive? Why are people always so cynical and angry all the time in this day and age?
Obviously, the answer is because life is hard.
Everything is expensive, from necessities to schooling. For some, the job doesn’t pay and appreciate their employees enough, and for others, they can barely find a job, education or not. There are so many mixed-messages between friends, lovers, and acquaintances – who’s really supporting you and who’s trying to take you down? Not to mention that the days seem shorter and faster.
So yeah, I can understand that life can really be trying sometimes.
I’ve been let down, used and disappointed many times.
Back-stabbed, talked about talked down to, and so on.
I’ve had my dreams crushed and I’ve lost people I love.
I’ve been frustrated and lost so badly that I cried daily.
Life has been an overwhelming experience for me.
But I still choose to be happy at the end of the day.
Bad moments don’t last forever, and things become right with time.
I used to be cynical and negative, and it hurt my body as well as my spirit: I always had headaches and body pains along with just being sad and angry all the time. I didn’t enjoy my life at all and I thought things would always be this way. Eventually I had to accept that life wouldn’t always go my way, but I could change my own ways to adapt. So I became more positive and ready to face life. I won’t say that I don’t have my moments, but otherwise you’ll always hear me say, “Life is good”.
I know it’s not easy to be optimistic when life is really kicking you down. Sometimes it’s so dark at the given moment you doubt there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Well the good news is that there is light at the end of the tunnel and there always will be. Choosing to remain happy and optimistic through the harshest of times makes life more bearable and enjoyable; it’s really accepting life as it is now and heading towards the future without fear. It’s doing your best and realizing that your best is good enough. It’s remembering that until you die, there is always a tomorrow, good day or bad day.
So choose to be happy, even when life is pushing you down.
You’ve got plenty of time to change and live.