I'm sure every student at Rowan University finds the Rowan Daily Mail emails a little annoying. Not to mention the ****EXTRA EDITION**** emails.
But as irritating and cluttering as those emails are, they sometimes provide a lot of useful information to Rowan students.
Don't be that student who brags or laughs about not checking their email. There are plenty of times that not checking your email can make you look stupid.
1. Class cancellations.
Most professors send out a quick email if they need to cancel class. The University themselves sends an email! Don't rely on social media or your friends to see if there's going to be a snow day.
2. Communication with professors and advisors.
Whether you want to schedule office hours to discuss assignments, or to check your progress in your major, you must check your email. Nothing looks more unprofessional than reaching out for help, receiving it, and not responding.
3. Campus events.
Remember those daily emails? That's how you can quickly find out the location for the next Paws For a Break or Free Condom Friday. Want to know where to buy tickets for any RAH event? They're usually in those emails with the location, time, and the price included.
4. Bursar, Financial Aid, and Registrar.
These are the big, scary offices that you want to stay on top of. They literally are responsible for you going and completing your journey in higher education. I didn't check my Rowan email for the first few months of the summer and had no idea that I had a charge on my spring semester bill.
Had I not checked my email and paid the charge, my account would have been held. Which means no paying for the next fall semester, which would mean I can't continue to attend. Open and read these emails. It looks like fancy word garbage, but these are some of the most important ones.
Most of the emails that flood your inbox seem stupid and cluttering. Some are. The others are filled with information to help you attend and succeed in college, both in learning and in fun. Add your student email to your phone, and turn on notifications.