College involves many changes, especially to your health. And guess what? Mom and dad won't be right there if something goes wrong. I was not prepared for how much my health would be affected once I got to college. Let me tell you, germs spread fast, and without hand sanitizer, you may find yourself sick in bed. Wash your hands often as well. Clorox wipes will become your best friend. Disinfect, disinfect, disinfect!!! Don't be afraid to wipe all your door handles, any type of surface, and maybe even your roommate. If you are already sick, avoid going to crowded places. No, this is not an excuse to skip your classes (unless you are actually throwing up or on your deathbed).
If you think something is wrong with your health, take it seriously. Make an appointment with your college health center if there is one. I was exhibiting signs of appendicitis but tried to make it go away by using a heat pad. I had experienced my abdomen muscles being paralyzed before but thought it was something much worse. After a few days of excruciating pain, I finally decided to get some help and take a trip to the emergency room. Fortunately, I did not have appendicitis but my right side was still in shock and needed a muscle relaxer injection. This being said, you should pay attention to anything unusual that is happening to your body. Do not do a Google search of your symptoms. Why? It will make you so paranoid that you may try to self-diagnose yourself with cancer or something. I'm serious. Also, do not self-medicate. It's not a good idea to ingest medications that have the potential of worsening your condition.
If one of your friends refuses to get help when sick, try to encourage them to take care of themselves. Some people get scared to go to the doctor on their own so offer to go with them for moral support. It's definitely weird to not have your family around when you feel sick. Taking a friend along to doctor appointments can make it seem less stressful and helps with the transition into college life.
Get your flu shot as soon as possible. The last thing you need is to catch the flu and risk passing it on to your friends. Most college campuses even hold free flu shot clinics that don't require you to make an appointment. This is a great benefit to students who cannot otherwise afford to get the vaccination. Just as a reminder, they are not offering the flu mist this year since they found it to be ineffective last year.
Your health should be your first priority when you go off to college. It's important to stay healthy as much as possible because illnesses spread easily when a bunch of people are living in a small space together. Getting sick is never a good thing but college students need to know how to take the proper precautions to avoid infecting other people when they do get sick.