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Start Asking More Questions

Have you ever found yourself wondering if there was another way to do something, but you chickened out when it came down to asking about it?

Start Asking More Questions
Alpha Coders

Recently, I have noticed that a lot of people I know are too scared to ask questions. This is something I cannot bring myself to understand. How will you ever figure out an answer if you don’t ask a question? How are you ever going to learn anything? When I find myself in a situation that I don't like, I try to somehow find my way out of it. By putting it that way, some of you may be thinking that I'm making myself sound like a con artist, or a cheater, or someone who condones bending the rules. But I'm not. I simply ask questions. I want to be aware of all of my options, because it is possible that there is a way to make my situation more ideal.

Oftentimes, people miss out on opportunities -- both big and small -- because they're afraid of asking questions. But what's the worst that can happen? The answer will be no. And, you know what? That’s fine; at least you tried! Nothing bad will ever come of just asking -- it is highly unlikely that you will end up in a worse situation than before solely for seeking clarification about something.

If I had never asked questions, I never would have received a single student discount. I never would have been able to go to Italy and France for Spring break my sophomore year. I never would have been a triple major. I never would have worked for the Connecticut Superior Court. I never would have tried that bomb acai bowl (or even be able to pronounce the word "acai"). I never would have joined a sorority. I never would have found my Zumba class that I'm obsessed with. I never would have been able to work at one of New England's largest corporate law firms. I never would have been able to enroll myself in the Paralegal Certificate program while still in college. I would have missed out on all of those things, and so much more.

Recently, I overheard someone on the train ask the conductor to assist him in finding the cheapest options for taking the commuter rail. People all around him rolled their eyes and laughed, but if he hadn't asked, he would have been paying $6 extra everyday. When I heard that, I thought to myself, Good thing he asked; that really adds up! Why doesn't everyone realize that the more they ask, the more they'll learn? The worst that can happen is not receiving an answer, which is much better than not inquiring at all.

In my experience, asking more questions has only provided me with more positive opportunities. Nine times out of ten, someone would rather have you ask a question than do something wrong or remain confused. Who knows what you'll find when you start to question things. Stop accepting things for what they are because there is always a possibility that you'll be able to change them.

So, ask for the raise. Ask that stranger where she got those sunglasses. Ask if that scholarship is still available. Ask if there's a student discount. Ask for the extension on that research paper.

Ask yourself why you're not asking more questions.

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