I have never been the adventurous type. I like to stick to what I know and stay within my comfort zone. The moment something is out of place, I panic. Since coming to college, I have grown a little bit to reach a step or two outside my comfort zone but even that takes time, especially a lot of processing time. However, this weekend I went hiking with one of my groups at school and it was so much fun. Hiking was not out of the ordinary, but what happened when we got to our destination was something that shocked me.
We hiked to Rattlesnake Pool which was a beautiful hike ending at a gorgeous water scene. I had read things online about the water being cold, so I wore a bathing suit under my clothes just in case I went in, but fully expecting myself to stay dry. I still do not know what came over me but as soon as we got there, I took my sneakers off and just went straight into the water. It was definitely cold but I stayed in for a long time (I found a rock that was placed in a perfect position to sit and relax in the water). This was something different for me. In the past, I would have to be talked into going in by a friend but this time I decided to just jump in.
On the way back down, I started thinking more about this. Not so much in the physical sense, but how can I apply this to my life? I realized that I need to just jump in more. Often times in social situations, I take a step back and observe for a long period of time. I sometimes will test the water and put myself out there more but if it is not a positive interaction, I retreat. I do not like stepping outside of my comfort zone. However, I am now realizing there will be more and more times where I am going to need to just jump in and go outside my comfort zone. College has been great, and I am certainly enjoying every moment of my senior year but I do really need to think about what comes next. For me, it most likely involve moving from my home state to a different state. While I have attended school out of state, the idea of completely moving has me a little freaked out. It has been nice creating my life in Maine while in college but it has also been nice to know that I get to go home every 5 weeks or so. The idea of not knowing when I will be home next once I get a job and move terrifies me. However, I know I have the support of my family and friends and technology is great. It allows us to stay connected even when miles separate us.
So this year, I am going to just jump in more. Does is cause anxiety for me? Absolutely. But when the task is completed, it makes me feel a little more proud and a little more confident. It's time to expand my comfort zone and just jump in.