I can't say it was right away, or even a few months after. Slowly but surely, though, it happened. I used to make fun of girls like me. Anyone that knows me knows that I don't completely fit the mold of the "perfect sorority girl." I'm crass and obnoxious. I hardly ever put on a bra, let alone fix myself to go to class. I never foresaw this coming. Yet, I've finally been able to admit it to myself: I have become that girl who is OBSESSED with her sorority.
It was during my first recruitment as a chapter woman that it truly hit me: I love this group of girls. I can honestly say that I look around in a room full of my sisters and think, "These girls are cool as f*ck." I'm proud to constantly wear my letters across my chest. I've become that annoying "go greek, go greek, go greek" bitch, and I couldn't be happier.
My sisters have been with me through the highest and lowest points in my life. They listen to me complain about professors and exams, partake in revenge plotting for anyone who screws me over (haha jk but not really), remind me that I'm a "strong independent woman who don't need no man", and only make fun of me a little when I cry over something completely stupid. In my sorority, I always have a shoulder to cry on, an ear to complain to, and a sister who's 100% down to get a second dinner with me (wish I was kidding). Does this all sound totally cliche? Absolutely. But, it doesn't negate the fact that it's freakin true.
Let's be honest, a lot of us join a sorority for the social aspect. When "going greek", I expected to have a good time (and that I have), but I truly didn't expect to feel such intense love towards an organization, set of values, and group of people.
I'll put it like this: if you don't join a sorority because of whatever stereotypes you subscribe to, you're going to be missing out. You're missing out on a whole group of women who would go to the ends of the Earth of you, who share your values and pick you up when you're down and all of that other sappy shit. Don't believe me? That's fine. But I can honestly say that if it wasn't for my sorority, I don't even know if I'd still be in school right now. So shout out to the ladies of Sigma Kappa for being my home away from home and always treating me like family. I hope everyone else has the chance to feel this way in their lifetime.