College is a great get away, and you meet new people, creating those inseparable bonds. However, here are just some people and relationships that you can’t forget about, and that made a huge impact in your life, which are your high school best friends.
After graduation you all went your separate ways, whether it’s a different school or job, but you know that they would drop whatever they’re doing to help you and will always be there for when you need them the most.
They are the ones that have helped you in critical times during your high school career and have been your go-to person or people.
To the first party in your basement to the time your first love broke your heart; they were always one text or phone call way. You should still feel the same way with them, you just may have different problems you need consoling with now.
You sometimes get too caught up in your current life and forget about the people that have mattered most to you. Yes, I realize that you are basically an adult now (well we’re trying our best to be), and have many responsibilities, but please take time to remember and reach out to your friends from back home.
They might be going through some sh*t and a simple “Hey, how have you been?” could mean everything to them. Grab lunch with them, go get a few (or a lot) of drinks and fill them in on everything they don’t know about.
Also, look back on some of the past like laughing about that time you took your side mirror off your car the first day driving it, or the time you got caught sneaking out of your bedroom window by falling 4 feet. (Sorry mom & dad, love you).
Get everyone together and go on a trip, complain about how grown up life is so stressful and how you wish you could turn back time to “the good ol' days.”
School is important, work is important, but the people who have helped you make those unforgettable memories are the most essential. You probably wouldn’t be where you are today if it wasn’t for your close friends in high school, because we all know that times can get tough and you experienced the best and worst with them by your side.
So don’t make your next appearance with them being your 10-year reunion; pick up the phone and set up a date now. They miss and love you and would love to see you ASAP.