Every since I was young, (don't quite remember when this all happened), my family and I would watch Friends. It was possibly the only show we all agreed on watching together. I can watch it every day and not even get close to being sick of it. Hands down one of the best tv shows that have aired. It has always been my go-to source for entertainment.
The show allows you to feel all your emotions in one way or another. You can either get a good laugh or cry out of the episodes. All in all the show is just a great experience that fills you with warm feelings. I am be exaggerating (a little), but I honestly think it maybe one of the best shows (along side the O.C. and Gilmore Girls of course). Let me know what show you think is as good or even dare I say it better.
I still always compare friends and people I first meet with whichever character I think they align best with. There are a variety of reasons, why you need to watch (love) this show. Your emotions will definitely be toyed with in the course of the series. Even though somethings are obviously better, it reflects reality in a comical way. In my opinion, in a way, it represented that you should live your life to the fullest. That nothing should get in the way of your happiness/dreams/goals. That it maybe hard, but everything can be achieved if enough effort is put into it.
Also, it is conveniently on Netflix, so all your wishes have been answered. So once you're free, grab your laptop, log in to Netflix, and begin the binge, because you won't regret it!