Within the college realm, there are many stressors, such as paying tuition, working a part-time job, completing a full course load of homework and paying bills. With these basic stressors, there also comes social stressors, and being in a college environment, you are faced with many different people on any given day. Most college students have roommates on top of seeing people every day in class. When negative people enter your life, it can bring down your mental health and overall mood.
According to a study by University of North Carolina psychology researcher, Barbara Fredrickson, negative thinking narrows your mind and your thoughts, and positive thinking opens and expands your thinking.
Cutting negative people out of your life is the key to happiness.
Negative people and energy can lead to anxiety and depression. When you constantly feel like you have to stand up for yourself or your friends are constantly bringing you down, it's up to you to do something about it. You can't let them have the power of making you feel so small. When you realize certain people are negative in your life, it really makes you appreciate the good vibes of other people in your life.
This realization is eye-opening. Being around people who encourage you to follow your dreams, who except you at your worst and love you at your best and who give you the support to keep going, are the kind of people you need in your life. Living at an age where the line between college student and adult is a constant limbo, negativity only makes these battles worse. As a college student, your stress should be focused on school and not toward the bad people in your life.
Happiness and positivity is something that can only be achieved when you surround yourself with good people. Having good people in your life makes you happier and more confident in yourself, thus lessening the tendency for depression and anxiety. You feed off of the energy you surround yourself with. According to motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Therefore, our mindsets and attitudes are greatly influenced by the people we surround ourselves with.
It is important to have people in your life who want to see you succeed and prosper
Negative people cause stress, and stress is very harmful to the body. Stress can cause people to gain weight, not get enough sleep and develop a negative mindset. It is important for us to take care of not only our mental health, but also our bodies. Living a holistic, healthy lifestyle includes yourself and your circle. So, before you start feeling down, do yourself a favor and cut these people out of your life. Of course, it may be hard at first, but the benefits are invigorating. Your mood will significantly change for the better, and you can finally say sayonara, b*itches.