Trump is the next totalitarian Hitler. I am personally astonished by his win in New York. He preys on the many crisis of the American society we live in. He preys on our internal crisis, theoretical crisis, institutional crisis, and normative crisis. Ardent, a well-known political philosopher, accounted these crises as the basis for the beginning of a national crisis. The American populace egregiously neglects the ideals of the qualities a leader should exhibit, no one cares about alienation, no one considers if the president would bring us into a brighter future, and people do not see how a wrong leader will pull us into an economic crisis.
A few distinctive factors of the countries of Germany and the Soviet Union during the time Ardent points out are the increases in racism, antisemitism, and the rise of imperialism. The leaders began to abolish cultural forms and attempt to replace them with new institutions which are subordinate to the state. They sought global domination. The leaders organized masses and preyed on the populations' sense of terror.
Trump appeals to terror. He appeals to the masses' fear of Muslims or Latin Americans whom he generalizes as Mexicans. He appeals to the population's fear of terrorists and unemployment. He expects the people to side with him to fight against a people he labels as the threat. He may not be achieving global domination, but he is moving toward cultural displacement. The American culture is a melting pot. The nation is filled with different people of different ethnicities and religions that give the country its variant flavor. If the country were to alienate these specific groups of people then it would threaten the very culture.
The American people have high appeal to Trump because he is pissed. They like him because he says it is basically OK to be pissed off. He appeals to a mass which has a lack of shared interests and identity. They have been alienated socially and emotionally. Trump appeals to that alienation by giving them meaning. He says it is OK to be angry, just look at how I behave.
In his speeches, he also uses very strong evidence of the language that appeals to this mass. He assumes everyone to be the worst and everything to be the worst. He also relies on the lies that the various candidates use to make their way through the running. He relies on this because of the simple fact that the public does not object to being deceived. People often assume what the candidates are saying is truthful when often it is all lies. His leadership will rely on infallibility. That he lies but he cannot be wrong. Right?
Trump is especially appealing to the number of people who feel that they are cut off and isolated from political and social institutions. He preys on the failure of these traditional institutions. He demands loyalty to himself by using language that if you follow him, he will make America great again.
He displaces complete disregard to consequences, neglect of national interest, contempt for utilitarian interests, and adherence to his ideology. This is the man for whom the general populace of the Republican Party is voting. He is unpredictable and hateful. His candidacy is driven by terror and the masses. He wants to build a wall to block off Latin Americans and he expresses hatred toward people of the Islamic religion. This is the man that many Republicans want to represent America.
He also relies on a group of people who are neutral and indifferent. These are usually the most active people in the voting community. They may vote for someone without understanding why they are voting for them. That is why it is very important to vote and to be knowledgeable about for whom you are voting. Vote for the person who will further the advancement of America's culture and peace. Vote for the person who will not be driven by hatred and terror but by justice and good will. Most importantly, vote!