As young adults, we keep hearing how important it is to be cultured. For some reason, most of us have this false assumption that in order to be cultured we must be well traveled; when in reality, the two are independent of one another. Though there can be a correlation between traveling and being cultured, this isn’t always the case. For instance, someone who has never traveled before has the same likelihood as being a cultured individual as someone who has been to over 20 different countries.
If you look up the word cultured, there is not one definition that defines the term as someone who travels a lot. This is just something that the mainstream has assumed from the looking at the word itself and relating “culture” to traveling. However various platforms define “cultured” as to be enlightened, to grow, and to be well educated. So basically, being cultured does not mean you have been to several different countries, but rather you are aware and educated about what is going on in the world, and because of this you are becoming more open-minded and growing as an individual.
So yes, traveling can help us become more cultured. However, most people who travel a lot are most likely spending their time overseas at lavish resorts and tourist attractions; this does not make them cultured. In order to travel and become more cultured, one must get to know the natives and experience the food, traditions, and daily life in that society. But as I mentioned earlier, traveling is just one way we can become cultured. There are so many other ways that cost little to no money at all that any of us can participate in.
We can become more cultured by keeping up on current events, not just in our country, but all over the world. Keeping up on current events and learning about different countries’ current issues will not only result in becoming more educated, but also becoming a more understanding and open-minded individual.
We can also become more cultured by reading. There is so much we can learn that goes beyond the classroom, and reading is the best way to gain this additional knowledge. Also going to museums, learning a differnt hobby, or trying something new can also spark this intellectual curiosity. We can even become more cultured by listening to a different genre of music. Try listening to jazz music one day, or classic rock, or even rap; even something as simple as this will expand your horizons.
However, the best way to become cultured is to get to know people that are different than you and try experiencing or understanding life from their perspective. Volunteering is great way to do this. Volunteer in a part of your city with a high poverty rate and see what life is like firsthand for someone of a different socio-economic class than yours. In general, just befriend people of different races, ages, religions, nationalities, and sexualities. You will be surprised just how much you learn if you talk to people different than you.
These are just a few examples, but in retrospect any time you try something new and go out of your comfort zone you have potential for personal growth. It is important to be cultured and we should strive towards being open-minded, growing as individuals, and becoming a well informed and educated member of society.